IS PART OF THE SSP FRAMEWORK MANDATE TO INCLUDE SECTOR PERFORMANCE DATA (i.e SETA EVALUATION DATA)? Yes, whilst the SSP Framework is there to guide SETAs on requisite information to be presented, the requirement and expectation is that this information is based on some evaluation or research data (i.e results from tracer studies, review of previous year’s SSP etc) Year on year, SETAs spend on learning interventions such as: learnerships, Internships, apprenticeships etc. So, SETAs are expected to conduct evaluation of SETA interventions through tracer/ impact studies (Chapter 3 prompts for this information) The reports/results from such studies should feed into the SSP process and inform SETA priorities that would ensure effectiveness and impact.
Is there adequate use of evaluation data in the SSP? Whilst SETAs that have conducted some evaluation through tracer studies have used the data to inform the SSP, I would not say that it is at a level where I can say it is adequate. Most SETAs rely on WSP data and secondary data sources in the main to inform the content of the SSP, owing to lack of research and M&E capacity For many SETAs, the M&E function is not perceived as key to informing the Sector Skills Planning process and even those that have conducted some impact or tracer studies, this has been viewed as a once-off event.
Do you foresee any structural challenges to the integration/contribution of evaluation into the SSP process? Lack of in-house capacity at SETAs to undertake M&E and Research is a challenge, most SETAs commission parts of this function Lack of recognition of the role of M&E in sector skills planning and how these two functions are interlinked is also another challenge. Disintegration between and silo approach to planning and reporting.
How can the M&E function be better integrated into the SSP process ? Capacitate the M&E and Research unit with not only systems but also human resource (warm bodies) Operationally at SETAs, the M&E unit needs to work hand in hand with the Sector Skills Planning (Research) unit or be integrated into the planning unit. DHET needs to lead from the front in demonstrating this integration Good planning should be informed by not only research but also credible monitoring and evaluation data and this in turn can play a major role in ensuring evidence based planning at SETAs
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