This is your title page and where you should input the sound This is your title page and where you should input the sound. Remember you can add slides/separation throughout the presentation if you want. REMEMBER to CITE all information!
Harry S Truman When did he become President? How did he become President? Who did he beat when he won his second term? What was ironic about his win? What did he enter during his second term? Work Cited -
Doris Day When was she born? What band did she sing and tour with? What age did she start? What was her first movie? What was one of her popular songs? Work Cited -
Red China Who took over China? Red China took over what war? Why? After winning the Chinese Civil War, the Communist Party established what? Work Cited -
Johnnie Ray Why is it an accomplishment that he’s a singer? What was his #1 hit? Who did he sign first recording contract with? Work Cited -
South Pacific A popular what? What’s it about? Who starred in it? When did it open on Broadway? Work Cited -
Walter Winchell Career as a what? Credited with inventing what type of column? Work Cited -
Joe Dimaggio Career? For what team? What record did he set? Nicknames? Who did he marry? The team went to the World Series how many times in the 1940’s? How many times did they win? Work Cited -
Joe McCarthy Career? From Where? Known for? What brought him down? What was his anti-crusade speech called?
Richard Nixon 1950 career? From? Part of what investigation?
Studebaker What is it? Describe it? What happened to the car company?
Television Became popular when? How many stations did a city have? What did the TV sets look like? Black/White or color? Explain
North Korea Became? Started? Result?
South Korea Who defended? Am. Involvement? Result?
Marilyn Monroe Career? Popular movies? Supposedly attempted suicide after what friend died? Died?
Rosenbergs Who were they? (names and relationships) What happened to them? Why? When were they convicted?
H-Bombs Who developed? Who was first to explode? When was it first tested?
Sugar Ray Full Name? Career? Best What?
Panmunjom Where located? Significance? Result?
Brando Name? Academy Award for what movie? Academy Award for Best Actor for his role in what movie?
The King and I Popular what? Staring? About? When did it open Broadway?
The Catcher in the Rye Popular what? By whom? About what? It was very…?
Eisenhower Full name? Nickname? 1952 Role? Win election of 1952 margin?
Vaccine Found for what disease? By whom?
England’s got a new Queen Name her? How did she succeed to the thrown? Queen of? (mention both) When did the actual coronation take place?
Marciano Name? Career? Who did he beat to become the heavy weight champion?
Liberace Career? Name? Had his own what? Known for what?
Santayana good-bye Name? Careers? When did he die?
Joseph Stalin Born name? Dictator of? Why considered harsh? What does Stalin mean? When did he die?
Malenkov Name? Became leader of where? Why?
Nasser Name? 2nd President of? Successor to? Held the role of what under the 1st President?
Prokofiev Name? Career? From where? Died when?
Rockefeller Names? Grandsons? Only time 2 brothers in US History served as what at the same time? Was appointed to what position by Pres. Eisenhower? Also served what elected political positions? 2. Career? Served as what political position? What was happening publicly between him and his wife?
Campanella Name? Position? Team? Received what award 2 times? Why was his career cut short?
Communist Bloc Countries dominated by whom? Where was the uprising occurring?
Roy Cohn Advisor to whom? Resigns and enters? Prosecuted whom?
Juan Peron Leader of? Anti-who? Overthrown when? By whom?
Toscanini Name? Career? Preformed regularly where? What happened during is last time conducting in public?
Dacron What is it? Made from the same plastic as?
Dien Bien Phu Falls Vliiage located where? Who loses control? Who gains control?
Rock Around the Clock Hit single released by? Spurred worldwide interest in? Theme music for what movie?
Einstein Name? Developed? Died?
James Dean Career? Achieves success with which 2 movies? Nominated for what? How does he die? When? What age?
Brooklyn’s got a winning team Team name? Won what? Who did they beat? Where did they later move to?
Davy Crockett Popular what? What company produced it? Actor who starred in it? What was it about?
Peter Pan Broadcast live on? And in? 1954 stage version starred? When did it air live?
Elvis Presley Signed with what record company? When? Name several of his #1 hits? Nickname?
Disneyland When did it open? First what for Disney?
Bardot Name? 1st mainstream film was? From where? International reputation?
Budapest Where? What? Who?
Alabama Who was arrested? Why was she arrested? What came out of her arrest? Was is successful? Why? Who else became a prominent figure?
Khrushchev Name? Leader of? Famous for what speech?
Princess Grace Full Name? Released her last film named? Married whom?
Peyton Place What is it? Written by?
Trouble in the Suez What is the Suez? Who (person and country) nationalized the Suez? Who withdrew financial support?
Little Rock State? School name? Governor? President? Issue? Nickname of students? How did president deal with it?
Pasternak Name? Career? Famous Novel? About?
Mickey Mantle Career? Team? Position? Am. League all-star for how many years? What about his batting?
Kerouac Name? Career? Name of best selling? Explain the Beat Generation?
Sputnik What was it? Who sent it? Marked the start of?
Chou En-Lai Position? Where? Survived what? Where?(and name)?
Bridge on the River Kwai What is it? Based on? About? How many Academy Awards?
Lebanon What was occurring? How did we get involved? Who was our president?
Charles de Gaulle Elected first what? From where?
California baseball Refers to the moving of which teams? And a new name of?
Starkweather homicide Name? Girlfriend? Known for? How many? Where caught?
Children of Thalidomide What is thalidomide? Who prescribed to? Why? What was the result?
Buddy Holly Career? What happened? When? Who else was with?
Ben Hur What is it? Starred? About? How many Academy Awards?
Space Monkey Name of squirrel monkey? Name of rhesus monkey? When was the flight? Flight was called?
Mafia Grabbed attention of whom? Where did they meet? Historical origin?
Hula Hoops Became a national what? Reached what sales mark?
Castro Name? Title? Country? Moved the country towards?
Edsel is a no-go Company? Named after? Why did production end?
U-2 What was it? Pilot? Shot down over? Caused the?
Syngman Rhee 1st president of? Forced to resign, why? Rescued by?
Payola What was it? Who testified? Who was convicted?
Kennedy Name? Wins what election? Beats?
Chubby Cheeker Career? Famous song and dance? Where did his name come from?
Psycho What was it about? Directed by? Based on novel by? Adapted by?
Belgians in the Congo Republic of Congo declared WHAT from Belgium? Who was president? Who was Prime Minister?
Hemingway Name? Career? What happened in 1961? Why?
Eichmann Name? Former what? Found where? Taken where? Tried for what during what? Result of trial?
Stranger in a Strange Land What was it? Written by? Themes that came from the book?
Dylan Name? Career? Signed contract with?
Berlin What happened in Berlin? (give specifics- what was separated?) When was it built? Why was it built?
Bay of Pigs Invasion What was it? US. President? Leader of Cuba? Successful/failure?
Lawrence of Arabia What was it? Based on whose life? Starred? Premiered when?
British Beatlemania Refers to which group? Name the members.
Ole Miss University formal name? Explain what happens?
John Glenn First American to do what? Spacecraft name? Date, when?
Liston beats Patterson Names? Sport? What title? When? What about Patterson's loss?
Pope Paul What was Pope Paul VI Cardinal name? First Pope to do what?
Malcolm X What did he say about JFK’s assassination? What did the nation of Islam do to him?
British politician sex Who? Position? Affair with? Who did he lie to? The lie forced him to?
JFK blown away What happened to JFK? When? Where? Who is accused? What happened to him?
Birth Control What becomes available? 1965 what court case challenged? 1968 Pope Paul VI said what?
Ho Chi-Minh President of what country? Fought against?
Richard Nixon back again Nixon won what election? (year) For what office?
Moon shot What? When? Who? spacecraft name?
Woodstock Famous what? Was the center of what movement?
Watergate What happened? Result for Nixon?
Punk rock Name 2 groups? What was punk rock?
Begin Name? Title? Country? Negotiates what accords? With what country?
Reagan Name? Becomes? What former career?
Palestine What UN resolution? Independent what? An end to what?
Terror on the airlines Numerous what? Specifically what Palestinian hijack? What operation in Uganda?
Ayatollah’s in Iran Who took over Iran? Hostages taken where? Released when?
Russians in Afghanistan Why did Soviet Union enter Afghanistan? How long was the war?
Wheel of Fortune What was/is it?
Sally Ride First American woman to do what? Spacecraft name?
Heavy metal suicide What groups were brought to court? Why?
Foreign debts Foreign debts and trade deficits were causing what?
Homeless Vets Vets from what war? Became?
AIDS What does AIDS stand for? Was on its way to becoming a what?
Crack What is it? What was happening in mid-to-late 1980’s?
Bernie Goetz What did he do? What was he convicted of? What did the youth do afterwards?
Hypodermics on the shore What washed up on the beaches? Where? Became a turning point for what movement?
China’s Under Martial Law Protesters marched where? (place and city and country) China declared what?
Rock and Roller Cola Wars What were Pepsi and Coke battling for? Who did Pepsi hire? Why? Who did Coke hire? Why? So which is better Pepsi or Coke?
This title page needs to be the title page for your actual FINAL!