Read through your notes carefully. Using your checklist you should now be able to highlight your weakest areas. Make a one week action plan so that this time next week you will be ready. Read through your notes carefully. Practise any words / phrases that you find most difficutl. Action Plan Practice Self Asses Record Using your key words only - and not your full answers. Record yourself speaking. Number your answers. Listen to your recording. Tick off the checklist as you listen. You may need to listen to you recording a few times.
I can answer all questions confidently. Everything I say is relevant to the questions. I speak for a minimum of 5 minutes (and no more than 8 mins) I have used a wide range of vocabulary. I have not repeated any key vocabulary. I have delivered a range of opinions (using both simple and complex forms). J’aime Je n’aime pas Je déteste J’adore Je pense que Je crois que Selon moi À mon avis I have used a wide range of justifications/reasons after each of my opinions. I have used at least six different connectives. I have used at least 6 different time phrases. I have used a range of tenses and if possible several times Present e.g. je mange Imperfect or passe compose e..g je jouais or j’ai joue Future simple e.g. je vais visiter Future e.g. je voyagerai Conditional e.g. je voudrais aller I have can highlight/hear at least 5 ‘stand out’ complex phrases. My voice is clear and confident. I don’t pronounce my consonants at the end of words. I roll the French ‘r’ correctly. I don’t pronounce the silent ‘h’