Training Plan Objectives What do want to accomplish at the end of brigade summer training? How will you know? Intro tech Sustainment training Installation / Check in Understand Advantages 1st Quadrant: What do you want to accomplish at the end of the BDE Summer Training session Practical Exercise (annotate bubble map) (launch Mobi game)
Major Teaching Points (Topics) Advantages of Mobi Mobi as a Mouse Insert blank page, Write name w/ Pen, Highlight it, Return to Mouse Mode 1st Quadrant: What do you want to accomplish at the end of the BDE Summer Training session
Teaching/Learning Strategies What will your Training Plan look like? Activities (Intros, energizers, icebreakers, 4PLP) Assessment tools Intro, Demo, Hands-On Insert blank page, Write name w/ Pen, Highlight it, Return to Mouse Mode 1st Quadrant: What do you want to accomplish at the end of the BDE Summer Training session Successfully perform activity
Training Resources Mobi and USB cable Laptop w/ Workspace installed CM (updated) AJROTC Abbrev. Mobi Manual provided Refer to video tutorials 1st Quadrant: What do you want to accomplish at the end of the BDE Summer Training session