WHAT IS DEVIANCE? Deviance is socially constructed Deviance is in the eye of the beholder Deviance by its very nature deviant Deviance is the flip-side of conformity The “other” Creates rules that make some insiders and some outsiders What are examples of deviance?
WHO DETERMINES WHAT IS DEVIANT Definitions of deviance and what is determined as deviance are a reflection of those with the greatest social power Laws support one group’s interests and negates the others Caused by conflicting norms, values, beliefs and most importantly levels of power Determined by those with the most political, social, religious, and economic power
LABELING (societal reaction to deviance) Draws from Symbolic Interactionism Focuses on interaction between the “deviant” and the “labeler” Questions under what circumstances or audiences is a behavior labeled as deviant Who does the labeling – and who is the labeled Focuses on issues of power and control Powerful define deviance
CONSEQUENCES LABELING A PERSON OR GROUP AS DEVIANT Labeled – identify as deviant continue behavior in the deviant manner begin to support the identity of deviant Labeler Defines and provides information on which behaviors are considered deviant puts labeler in role of power
The Mark of the Criminal Record by Devah Pager Focuses on the consequences for employment outcomes of black and white men Attitudes of employers surrounding both race and ex-cons Stigmas and identity What are the long term ramifications of the authors findings?
Conclusion Who are the deviants? What do you think the definition of deviance is? What is non-deviance? Who determines what is deviant? What is the difference between criminological and sociological of deviance? Can deviance be both positive and negative?