Science Taking It Outside Amy Chea
Agenda Introduction Logistics of Teaching Science Outdoors Outdoor Activity Questions & Answers Closing
Education Today & Tomorrow Video
What Are We Doing? Get teachers to teach outside Why? Engaging, relevant, retaining information for long term, and increasing student’s awareness How? Managing space, time, materials, and students
Managing Space Accessible (should be within 2-5 minutes walk) Know your outdoor spaces Accessible (should be within 2-5 minutes walk) Size (should be large enough to work but small enough to supervise) Set clear boundaries Safety and comfort (wear sunglasses and caps, apply sunblock)
Managing Time Time of day (avoid late afternoon) Time of year (work with plants and insect during spring time) Be mindful of busy traffic time around school Be flexible Travel time, instructional time, investigational time, and wrap up
Elementary time recommendations for classroom/outdoor investigations Grades K-1: At least 80% of instructional time Grades 2-3: At least 60% Grades 4-5: At least 50%
Managing Materials Student’s tool kit Teacher’s kit Notebook
Managing Students Make going outside a routine Set ground rules (outdoor science is not recess) Practice routine (attention signal, home base) Have sharing circle where students are not facing the sun; teachers facing the sun Buddy system Have a clear focus goal for today’s lesson
Teaching Strategies Assign roles and responsibilities Set a learning tone Assign roles and responsibilities Get them writing and recording