Child Soldiers
According to Child Soldiers International, at least 20 countries have used child soldiers since Jan 2015… which can we name?
Defining “Child Soldiers” How useful a definition do you think this is? Is there anything you would change?
“Children of the Caliphate” Video- “Children of the Caliphate” (12 mins) Watch the video and identify which human rights are being violated Refer to Universal Declaration of Human Rights (you have this already) Children enjoy additional rights from UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (went into effect 1990) --- see new handout UNCRC is most widely & rapidly ratified treaty in history…. Almost all UN members have ratified & apply it. Who doesn’t? Video link- ISIS' children: soldiers trained to kill and die Article (2014) about US not ratifying UNCRC-
Intersection of Child Soldiers & Guantanamo Bay (22 mins) Inside Story - Is the world failing child soldiers? By Al Jazeera English
To what extent do you agree with this cartoon?
Child Soldiers International- Case Study Summaries Choose one of the 6 case studies linked on my website Summaries produced by Child Soldiers International Read it (so you will have more comprehensive knowledge for yourself) and then produce a 8-10 bullet point list of key ideas/ concepts that we can photocopy & share with classmates so they have a little bit of information about your topic Sri Lanka --- Sierra Leone --- Lebanon --- El Salvador --- Palestine --- Burundi