Cross Compliance Implementation & Control in England James Jansen Farming for the Future Programme Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs July 2007 1
DEFRA Executive agencies ‘NDPBs’ (Agriculture & Environment Policy) 2 Implementation / “Control” Policy Executive agencies Rural Payments Agency Animal Health Agency Veterinary Medicines Agency Etc… ‘NDPBs’ Environment Agency Natural England National Park Authorities Etc… 2
Importance of agriculture and place of cross compliance Agricultural activities cover c.¾ of the land area of the UK – 18.4m Ha Agriculture has major environmental impacts e.g. 60% N, & 40% P entering English watercourses 2.2m tonnes of top soil lost per year in England & Wales Pesticides – removal from drinking water costs c.£78m per year Cross compliance is key mechanism to deliver basic standards of environmental protection – in return for £1.5bn subsidy 3
Cross Compliance in England Statutory Management Requirements 19 standards Good Agricultural & Environmental Condition 17 standards Soil management and protection (4) Maintenance of habitats & landscape features (13) Permanent Pasture All the SMRs and over half of GAECs re-enforce existing English legislation 4
Hedge & watercourse protection – 2 metre protection zones next to hedges & watercourses
Overgrazing and unsuitable supplementary feeding controls
Cross Compliance Design in England Internal working groups with Defra agencies – soils, biodiversity, set-aside & inspection/controls Workshop with stakeholders prior to recommendations to Ministers – influential on approach to soils 12-week consultation in 2004 GAECs developed to tackle key environmental externalities; SMRs assessed for clarity and readability. Continuing dialogue with stakeholders e.g. farmer “roundtables” Pilot inspection process should be considered Regulatory Impact Assessment used to identify costs and benefits of standards 7
Support to Farmers Cross Compliance Handbook for England Incorporates: Detailed requirements Legal Information Inspection and Enforcement Information 8
Support to Farmers 2 Cross Compliance Handbook for England Moving towards a simpler, streamlined approach for ‘08: Loose leaf Farmers can order booklet to suit their needs Farming activities linked to requirements Summaries of standards Clear “must” / “must not” format Signposting of supplementary information 9
Support to Farmers 3 Additional guidance booklets explain cross compliance objectives and help farmers deliver Habitats / Soils Guidance Explanations of GAECs Best practice How to comply Easy reference Popular with farmers 10
Support to Farmers 4 Momenta advice programme (GAECs & SMRs) 11 (Key part of FAS) Website: 97,000+ visits in first two years Helpline: 11,000+ calls in first two years Events: 23,000+ attended in first two years e.g. farm walks, workshops 1-to-1 advice: 34,000+ receiving advice in first two years In addition: National Press Attending Shows Mail shots Text messaging Surveys show awareness of cross compliance issues raised from 47% in 2004 to 97% in 2005 11
Cross Compliance Controls 4 Competent Control Authorities (CCAs) in England Rural Payments Agency - GAECs; SMRs 1-9,11-12 Animal Health Agency - SMRs 13-18 Veterinary Medicines - SMR 10 Environment Agency - SMRs 2-4 12
CCA Co-ordination CCA Co-ordination Body Rural Payments Agency Veterinary Medicines Animal Health Envt. Agency Initially managed by Defra, now RPA 13
Risk Assessment Each CCA undertakes own risk assessment e.g. RPA Selection of 1% of Farmers for Inspection: 68% risk assessed 12% referrals 20% random Random element provides a baseline for non- compliance rates among the whole population 17 teams/350 inspectors assess compliance 14
Emerging Impact of Cross Compliance Indications that: 40% of farmers have changed their practices to meet cross compliance; 34% have noted environmental or other benefits, such as increased wildlife and reduced runoff from fields; A monitoring and evaluation programme is being developed to explore these further. 15
Cross Compliance Evolution Continuing to adapt the way we interact with farmers to improve compliance and reduce burdens: Farmer workshops to identify concerns/needs; Simplifying the Handbook to identify clear “you must” / “you must not” requirements; Signposting of additional information; Better targeting advice to improve compliance (trial use of workshops to improve performance); Providing information on the inspection process. 16
Future Challenges Early stage of the journey – aim to move from detailed set standards towards outputs/outcomes (e.g. Soil Protection Review) and empowering farmers to deliver Aspiration to reduce number of GAEC standards Cross compliance a key tool to recognise emerging challenges such as the Water Framework Directive, and strengthen the industry to prepare Greater integration with other policy measures e.g. set-aside, Pillar II 17
Key Points Talk to farmers and stakeholders so they understand process from an early stage; Trial the inspection process to provide a “reality-check”; Providing information/advice is challenging, but key to changing behaviour; An opportunity to deliver environmental benefits and help farmers prepare for future challenges 18
Thank you Newcastle University November 2003