LIFE Prokaryote Eukaryote Archaea Bacteria Protista Fungi Plantae Animalia
1) Characteristics A) mostly single-celled organisms - microscopic - eukaryotes i.e. nucleus, organelles - asexual and sexual reproduction - great variation in form and life style
2. Types of Protists Animal-Like Protists Fungus-Like Protists Plant-Like Protists
Animal-like Protists (aka. Protozoans) Characteristics: 1) heterotrophs a) eat prokaryotes, protozoans, organic wastes 2) some parasitic a) energy from host
2. Types of Protists Animal-Like Protists Cercozoans – amoeba Ciliates – paramecium Flagellates Sporozoan
Types of Animal-like protists 1. Cercozoan (Amoeba) special characteristics: pseudopods (false feet) used both for locomotion and ingestion live in salt water, fresh water, mud, intestines
Types of Animal-like protists 2. Cilliates (Parameci) special characteristics: cilia used both for locomotion and ingestion live in fresh water
3. Flagellates - special characteristic: Flagella for locomotion ex. Trypanosoma (African Sleeping sickness) Trichonympha (mutualism/ termites)
4. Sporozoa - special characteristic: No locomotion - parasitic Ex. Plasmodium (malaria)
B) Fungus-like protists - heterotrophs (absorb nutrients) - examples of fungus-like protists 1. slime molds - found in damp soil, logs - crawls as mass of cells 2. mildew and water molds - most are decomposers, some parasitic
C) Plant-like protists (aka phytoplankton, algae) - autotrophs (photosynthesis) a) different pigments/ different colours ex. chlorophyll = green - examples of plant-like protists 1. diatoms - special characteristic: cell wall made of silica - salt water
2. dinoflagellates - special characteristics: - 2 flagella - armoured shell - may produce algal bloom - red tide - may be bioluminescent - may live in coral -mutualism, coral bleaching
3. Euglenoids - special characteristic: both plant-like and an animal-like i) plant-like : undergoes photosynthesis ii) animal-like: moves (flagella) & eats - Eyespot ... positive phototropism - live in fresh water
4) Multicellular Algae - Largest of the protists - Plant-like (no cell differentiation) i) evolution of green plants ii) holdfast (no roots) - Red, brown, green (kelp, spirogyra, fucus, ulva)