Title: Name: Create an interesting title for the work and add your name, see examples: ‘Putting the SPARK back into reading!’, ‘Pillow beds’ and ‘Stories and hot chocolate’. Add your Twitter handle/moniker if you wish. This is an Egmont Reading for Pleasure Award submission: Early Career teacher (under 3 years) Experienced teacher (3 years plus) Whole school Award (remove statements as appropriate, if it is not an Award submission remove all the above emboldened) NB Feel free to use your own design for the PPT but keep the headings!
Context Offer a brief account of where you work, naming your school or ITE institution and the county it is in. (ITE students: institutional logos will be added later). Teachers: please include your school logo (having gained permission). You may wish to highlight an aspect of the school’s development plan if it connects to this work.
OU Research inspiration and rationale Describe what particular strand of the Teachers as Readers (TaRs) findings (1-5) inspired you to further develop reading for pleasure in your class/school and why. TaRs found that in order to foster reading for pleasure effectively, teachers need to develop: 1. Considerable knowledge of children’s literature and other texts 2. Knowledge of children’s reading practices 3. A reading for pleasure pedagogy which includes: Social reading environments Reading aloud Independent reading Informal book talk, inside-text talk and recommendations 4. As Reading Teachers: teachers who read and readers who teach 5. Reading communities that are reciprocal and interactive. You will find these website documents useful: More Research Details (summaries of each finding) Review your Practice (self-review documents) Practical Classroom Strategies (ideas for action). Feel free to connect to other research on reading as well if you wish.
Aims Outline the specific aims you wished to address in your work based on the above. Consider the children’s needs too, did you seek e.g. to respond to a lack of interest or low reading stamina, or to increase support choice and discrimination? Connect the aims clearly to one of the key research findings (1-5) and do use bullets.
Outline Describe the work you undertook to achieve your aims. NB PHOTOS are vital to convey this work visually, of the classroom, of relevant books, of children (check ethics/permissions).
Impact Detail the impact that the work had on the children and their RfP, and /or on you as their teacher/other staff. Note evidence e.g. through your observations of shifts in attitudes or behaviour and quotes from children and/or staff. This might focus on particular children and include photos.
Reflections on impact the TaRs research had on practice Reflect on which specific aspects of the TaRs research have influenced your practice and in what ways. Building on this, what are your plans and next steps to support children’s volitional engagement as readers? Do make it all as visually engaging as possible!