Sons of Thunder Mark 3:13-19
Why “Sons of Thunder”? We generally think of John as an older, kind, gentle man Often referred to as “The Apostle of Love” (cf. 1 Jn. 4:7) But he was not always that way Some clues to this See Mark 9:38 See Matthew 20:20-21 See Mark 10:35-37 Possible (probable) reason (Lk. 9:51-56)
Three Lessons To Learn Sometimes we need to move on Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15:36-40) Point of Romans 14:1-11 Some things are not ours to handle (Rom. 12:19)
Our battle is a spiritual, not physical battle See 2 Corinthians 10:3-7a We avenge error and religious arrogance by calling on those who practice such things to repent and obey God! This is an attitudinal problem and calls for a change of heart
Jesus came to save, not to condemn (Jn. 3:17) When we think God is eagerly waiting to press the “smite button” Consider 2 Peter 3:9 - - God doesn’t want anyone to perish That includes the Samaritans who refused Jesus That includes the druggie, child molester, alcoholic, murderer, etc.