Reading Comprehension INTRODUCTION Mock Test 3 follows the LSAT pattern wherein the students are subjected to the same level of difficulty both in terms of question type and level. The mock test comprises of four sections with a total of 100 questions. A student is expected to attempt this test in an actual test like environment wherein he has 140 minutes to complete the test and thus need to schedule his/her time accordingly. Section Number of Questions Timing Logical Reasoning I 25 35 minutes Reading Comprehension Logical Reasoning II Analytical Reasoning TOTAL: 4 sections 100 questions 2 hours and 20 minutes
LOGICAL reasoning This section comprised of 25 questions, to be answered based on the paragraphs given in each question. The section was easy. The section consisted of: Inference based questions based on the given passages. The various questions are now described in detail:
Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 1 to 25 Reasoning – Paragraph based Easy The questions were a mix of easy and moderate questions. At least 20 to 22 questions should have been attempted. Some of the questions, though based on slightly difficult paragraphs, were easy as the answers could be reached by eliminating the wrong choices. Q. 5 and Q. 16 were slightly tricky and could have been left unattempted.
READING COMPREHENSION This section comprised four passages of about 350 to 500 words. Three of the passages were on topics related to political science, while one passage was related to philosophy. The distribution of questions among passages is as follows: Passage 1 – 6 questions Passage 2 – 6 questions Passage 3 – 6 questions Passage 4 – 7 questions The various questions are now described in detail:
Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty DETAILS Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 26 to 31 Passage 1 – Metanarratives Moderate The passage was of about 350 words and the questions were of a moderate difficulty level. Q. 29 and Q 31 were slightly tricky and could have been left un-attempted. Rest of the questions should have been attempted. 32 to 37 Passage 2 – Despotism Easy The passage was an easy read and was of about 470 words. The questions were fairly direct and could be easily solved. All questions should have been attempted 38 to 43 Passage 3 – History of war Easy - Moderate The passage was of about 500 words. The questions were a mix of easy and moderate questions and could be solved by direct reference from the passage. All questions should have been attempted. 44 to 50 Passage 4 – Power and Politics The passage was of about 400 words. Most of the questions were of a moderate difficulty level. Q. 44 and 48 were slightly difficult and required a careful reading of the passage.
LOGICAL REASONING This section comprised 25 questions, to be answered based on the paragraphs given in each question. This section was moderate to difficult. The section consisted of: Inference based questions, based on given passages. The various questions are now described in detail:
Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty details Question S. No. Key Concepts and Brief Description Overall Level of Difficulty Strategy 51 to 75 Reasoning – Paragraph based Moderate Most of the questions were a mix of easy and moderate questions. At least 18 to 20 questions should have been attempted. Some of the questions, though based on easy paragraphs were difficult because the options given were close. Q. 55, 70, 72 and 74 were difficult and could have been left un-attempted.
Key concepts and brief description ANALYTICAL REASONING (Q.76 – Q.100) This section of the test was of moderate level of difficulty. The section consisted of 25 questions of Analytical Reasoning. Question S. No. Key concepts and brief description Topic Level of difficulty 76 – 80 Analytical Reasoning Easy 81 – 85 Moderate 86 – 90 Easy to Moderate 91 – 95 96 – 100 Moderate to Difficult