Electric Dipole Moments in PseudoDirac Gauginos


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Presentation transcript:

Electric Dipole Moments in PseudoDirac Gauginos Minoru Nagai  (ICRR, Univ. of Tokyo) Phys.Lett.B644:256-264 (2007) Collaborated with: J.Hisano (ICRR) T.Naganawa (ICRR) M.Senami (ICRR) Mar. 1, 2007 KEK Annual Theory Meeting on Particle Physics Phenomenology (KEKPH2007)

1. Introduction Low energy SUSY models are the most well-motivated model beyond the Standard Model. We haven’t discovered SUSY particles yet. SUSY must be broken. Hierarchy problem Dark Matter Candidates GUT, Light Higgs, Radiative EWSB… Gaugino mass Majorana gaugino mass Generation of gaugino mass terms by singlet fields is upsetted by SUSY CP Problem Polonyi Problem

To solve this problem, we need to SUSY CP Problem (Constraint from EDMs) Complex parameters in MSSM O(1) CP phases of these parameters induce too large EDMs. ex) Constrained MSSM CP & P violating Dim 5 operator From neutron EDM experiments, To solve this problem, we need to suppress the phases prepare heavy SUSY particles extend MSSM Small with unchanged

These problems may imply that Polonyi Problem (Constraint from cosmology) Overclosure of the universe ⇒ Late time decay Gravitino Overproduction Destroy the success of BBN ⇒ Is it escaped by introducing dynamical symmetry breaking scale? ⇒ No. It can’t be operative since the linear term of singlet fields destabilize the potential minimum. [M.Ibe, Y.Shinbara and T.Yanagida (2006)] These problems may imply that there is no singlet fields that mediate SUSY breaking. How about gaugino masses? Anomaly mediation Gaugino can have Dirac masses and get small majorana masses PseudoDirac Gaugino (PDG) Suppression of EDMs We disscuss this PseudoDirac Gaugino (PDG) models for a framework to solve the SUSY CP problem

Plan of my talk Introduction PseudoDirac Gaugino (PDG) Models EDMs in PDG models Conclusion

2. PseudoDirac Gaugino (PDG) Models Majorana Gaugino mass “No Singlet” cf) sfermion soft masses Dirac Gaugino Mass terms [P.Fox, A.Nelson and N.Weiner(2002)] SM gauge fields Adjoint fields Hidden sector U(1) gauge field U(1)R charge : Supersymmetric Adjoint fields mass (model dependent) vanish in U(1)R symmetric limit We assume PseudoDirac Gaugino Models

A low energy spectrum in PDG models Bachelor Fields [P.Fox, A.Nelson and N.Weiner(2002)] Due to the existence of adjoint fields, gauge coupling unification is spoiled. ⇒ Bachelor Fields are introduced to recover the unification. Adjoint fields + Bachelor fields = GUT multiplet For the successful unification, bachelor masses must be 2.5 5 7.5 10 12.5 15 17.5 20 30 40 50 60 U(1)Y SU(2) Here we adopt SU(5) GUT and take SU(3) Sfermion soft masses We take universal mass at the GUT scale. Radiative correction by Dirac mass terms are finite and don’t have logarithm. (“supersoft”) A terms “No Singlet”

3. Electric Dipole Moments in PDG models CP phases in PDG models Complex parameters : D.o.f. for rephasing of adjoint fields in addition to and . GUT & universality of gaugino masses and A terms # of physical phases : 7 - 3 = 4 We can also take and real Using above symmetries we take CP phases in the MSSM CP phases are aligned. Additional Phases that appear by extending gaugino sector This phase contribute to the Weinberg operator at 2 loop level

Estimation of neutron and electron EDMs (1) The phase of gaugino majorana masses Current bounds Neutron EDM : Electron EDM : : Universal Dirac gaugino mass at GUT scale : Universal sfermion soft mass at GUT scale EDMs are suppressed by small gaugino majorana masses

Estimation of neutron and electron EDMs (2) The phase of supersymmetric adjoint masses Current bounds Neutron EDM : Electron EDM : : Universal Dirac gaugino mass at GUT scale : Universal sfermion soft mass at GUT scale U(1)R symmetric limit Supersymmetric adjoint masses must be small to suppress EDMs

4. Conclusion We discussed electric dipole moments in pseudoDirac gaugino models where new adjoint fields are introduced and gauginos have Dirac mass terms. The contributions of MSSM CP phases to EDMs are suppressed since A terms and gaugino masses are small in this model. New CP phases are introduced by extending the gaugino sector. These phases may contribute to EDMs significantly but they vanish in the exact U(1)R limit. The predicted values of EDMs are within the reach of near future experiments and we can check this scenario.

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Supersymmetric adjoint mass Supersymmetric Adjoint fields mass ( : model dependent) U(1)R charge : vanish in the superpotential in the U(1)R symmetric limit But they can be generated in the Ex.) chiral compensator Even if is zero at tree level, they can be generated radiatively. For example, interactions with heavy chiral field X and X, induce . We assume Some mechanism may be needed to suppress this term.