Museums in Tyne & Wear 2015/16 Accreditation – 19 museums in the Accreditation scheme, the National Standard for museums. Visits – 2,064,519 visits to museums. Economic impact – visits to museums helped contribute £27M to the local economy. Inspiring learning – 177,959 participants in learning sessions delivered by museums. Community engagement – 153,395 people engaged through outreach work and activities. Volunteering – 788 volunteers contributed 48,922 hours, worth £349,442 to museums and their surrounding communities. Jobs – 340 people employed by museums across Tyne & Wear. Sunderland Museum & Winter Gardens Figures based on data from 89% of Accredited museums in Tyne & Wear. Data based on information collected from museums through the Museum Development North East Annual Survey of Museums 2015/16. For more information visit