Many in Families with Women who are Pregnant or Considering it Don’t Know Key Facts about Zika Virus % in households where someone is pregnant or considering getting pregnant in the next 12 months saying… Not aware of association with microcephaly Believe there is a vaccine Not aware virus can be sexually transmitted Believe infected individuals are “very likely” to show symptoms n=105 Embargoed for release: Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 4:00 PM ET
it is likely to harm future pregnancies Four in Ten among General Public Mistakenly Believe Zika Virus Infection in Women Likely to Harm Future Pregnancies % saying, if a woman who is NOT pregnant gets infected with Zika virus, it is likely to harm future pregnancies (39%) Embargoed for release: Tuesday, March 29, 2016, 4:00 PM ET n=1275