Jan. 26, 2016 Please Do Now Sharpen Pencil Collect Please Do Now Quiz from basket on desk by the door Take out Planner, Journal and pen/pencil that works Write Homework into planner ( STUDY for 3 Week Test on Friday!!!) 5. Do the Please Do Now/DOL quiz on own
Card Sort Activity Students will complete in small groups Students will do first with out Students will do second time to see who can correctly put the sort in order first.
Students will take vocabulary notes as they follow along with a video clip. http://study.com/academy/lesson/the-environment-levels-of-ecology-and-ecosystems.html Vocabulary Words Need to Know… Ecosystem Organism Population Community Biome
Teacher will explain the Levels of Organization Sequence Flip Chart Project. Teacher will pass out pre-ran circle templates Teacher will go over power point note directions before pass out scissors and colors Power Point with step by step directions on www.coachpease.com Under 4th 6 Weeks link http://www.coachpease.com/resources/levels%20of%20organiz ation%20ecology%20foldable%20ppt.pptx Finished Project is due Wednesday at the end of class. This is a major project grade!!!
Levels of Organization Exit Slip Exit Slip: Students re-answer the engage question and turn in for a grade. Levels of Organization Exit Slip ´In our classroom we have 1 breaded dragon, 2 guinea pigs, over 10 humans and over 5 plants. Which vocabulary word listed below best describes each group of organisms listed? Explain why? Organism, population, community, ecosystem