TNT Session 2 April 2006 Presented by: Southern Oregon ESD Office of Professional Technical Education
Agenda Review and discuss your feedback for sessions Review and discuss your homework PEPs and Profiles CRLES Collaborative Leadership Activity Assessing our Sessions
Your Feedback Review results of your comments on your priorities
Your Homework: Setting the Stage for Change Review and discuss Breaking Ranks II Self-Assessment Questionnaire/ 3-5 minute reports: The most striking thing you learned from completing this assessment Overall assessment of where you are now versus where you want to be Your top priority next steps THIS IS YOUR PEP!!!
Personal Education Plans Must: Describe personal, academic and career interests Describe personal, educational, and career goals Identify next steps for HS and beyond Identify and plan courses and CRLEs Provide Annual reflection of progress towards goals
Meaningful Articulation of PEPs Requires: Thoughtful design in scope and sequence Conversations between middle and high school staff, assuring quality articulation of activities Staff knowledgeable in career development Communication with students about the relevance of high school
Let’s See Some Samples CIS’ My Plan ODE’s sample Grants Pass David Douglas Butte Falls Medford Klamath Union Colton Ashland Reynolds and more….
The Profile Must: Document student progress toward academic and career goals Record awards, accomplishments, experiences, and skills Here are some examples
Who Does What? Student’s responsibility to organize plans and records for review by staff Staff responsible to facilitate time for quality planning and verify student records and plans
Elements of the Ideal PEP & Profile You tell me
Research on PEPs
CRLEs Must Be: Connected to student’s personal education plan Planned for learning Evaluated by self and adult Require student reflection
How to Integrate CRLEs in Your School As a required element of elective classes As an assignment in core or PTE classes As part of student leadership Managed through a career center Student part-time jobs or CWEs can be used Teacher’s Aide work IS a CRLE What else might be?
How to Implement As a class assignment As a requirement of all elective classes Coordinated through a career center Student self-initiated As a summer job, internship, or service learning experience As a job within the school As a project As apart of a club or other extracurricular activity, like a class officer Informational interviews Simulations, like mock trail, model UN As Internet-based investigation into a company or industry A career class can be a CRLE Students serving as teachers’ aides
Who Does What? Student plans, conducts, self-evaluates and reflects Teachers encourage, facilitate and can evaluate
Sample CRLEs and Planner Templates Butte Falls Medford CIS Colton N Clackamas David Douglas Others
Cornerstone Activity
Homework Complete Breaking Ranks Questionnaire and read your chapter assignment
Assessing our Sessions How do you think we should measure our success?
Questions? We are available to help you in any way! Please call: Kathy Ayers: 541-850-1660 x2101 Martha Murphy: 541-776-8593 Susan Roudebush: 541-552-1779 See you next month!