Chemical Safety for Environmental Services: Hazard Symbols
Cleaning Agents and Disinfectants Chemical cleaning agents are essential to the EVS technician in order to keep the healthcare environment clean It is important to know about safe use of these chemicals before you use them Read the labels to know how to use them
Symbols for Hazardous Chemicals to Alert EVS Technicians on Safe-Use Practices There are nine different symbols for hazardous chemicals you might see on labels of products needed to do your work The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that every hazardous chemical have symbols that apply to these chemicals under OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard Be able to identify these symbols and what they mean Be able to identify which symbols you are likely to see on the chemicals you use and wear proper personal protective equipment when using them HCS Pictograms and Hazards
Labels for Hazardous Chemicals Must Contain Name, Address and Telephone Number of the manufacturer Product Identifier - how the hazardous chemical is identified Signal Word - indicate the relative level of severity of the hazard - Two standard words are: Danger or Warning Hazard Statements - describe the nature of the hazard(s) Precautionary Statements - describe recommended measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent adverse effects Pictograms - graphic symbols used to communicate specific information about the hazards of a chemical
Pictogram Symbols: Health Hazard Chemicals that have the potential to cause cancer, other illnesses or are toxic if used without protective equipment; usually over a period of time of repeated exposure
Pictogram Symbol: Flame Chemicals that can start a fire or release gases that could start a fire
Pictogram Symbol: Exclamation Mark Chemicals that irritate the skin and eyes, ears, nose, throat These can trigger asthma attacks
Pictogram Symbol: Gas Cylinder You may clean rooms where there are portable oxygen tanks of various sizes These tanks must be secured If accidently knocked over, they can shoot away like a missile or rocket, causing injury and property damage
Pictogram Symbol: Corrosion Chemicals, like bleach, that can burn your skin, hurt your eyes, and damage metals
Pictogram Symbol: Exploding Bomb Chemicals that could react to create an explosion Very few chemicals used in healthcare fall into this category
Pictogram Symbol: Flame over Circle Chemicals that release oxygen, making it easier for them to catch fire Examples include bleach, and hydrogen peroxide which is found in some disinfectants
Pictogram Symbol: Skull and Crossbones Very toxic chemicals that could be fatal—even with one exposure
Pictogram Symbol: Environment Chemicals that can cause environmental problems Some chemicals used in healthcare have to be “neutralized” (made safe) before pouring into the sink
Putting it all together: Example of all the important safety information on the label Source; OSHA. Hazard Communication Standard: Labels and Pictograms, 2013.