Announcements Class is full! Sorry... :-( Please register yourself on Piazza link from course website Homework #1 due next Tuesday at 4:30pm bring a paper copy to class no electronic submission
Upcoming Office Hours Tomorrow: Sheng, 12-1:30pm, Moore 207 Monday: Chris, 11am-12pm, 174 Moore GRW Swati, 6:30-7:30pm, Levine 5th floor Tuesday: Greg, 11am-12pm, Towne cafeteria Sheng, 3-4pm, Moore 207 I should be “around” most of Tuesday, so drop in if the door's open
Schedule Last time: Computer numbers signed integers floating point representation please be sure to read Section 2.6 Today: Intro to digital logic (3.1 – 3.2) Monday: Lab 1:30-3pm, 207 Moore Tuesday: Combinational logic circuits (3.3) Next Thursday: Memory (3.4)
Today (Sections 3.1 – 3.2) Transistors Basic Logic Gates NOT OR AND Basic Logic Circuits