Mader Study Questions 11-15 Muscular System Mader Study Questions 11-15
11. Which muscles of the neck & trunk flex & extend the head? (p. 121) Table 7.3 Sternocleidomastoid (named for attachments) on either side of the neck flex and head is bent towards the chest Flex only one sternocleidomastoid and the head bends to opposite side Trapezius muscles extend the neck
12. What are the muscles of the abdominal wall? (p. 122) Rectus abdominalis – from pubic bones to ribs & sternum – compresses abdominal cavity and flexes vertebral column External & internal obliques & transversus abdominalis are at a slant and fibers run perpendicular to each other between lower ribs and pelvic girdle All tense and support the abdominal wall
13. Name the muscles that move the humerus, and give their actions. (pp. 123, 125) Table 7.4 Deltoid abducts (moves away from midline) the arm Pectoralis major flexes the arm to raise it anteriorly, & adducts (moves towards midline) the arm pulling it across the chest Latissimus dorsi (lateral and dorsal) extends and adducts the arm Terres major – extends humerus or adducts & rotates arm medially
14. Which of the muscles of the upper limb move the forearm, & what are their actions? Name the muscles that move the hand & fingers. (pp. 125-126) Biceps brachii – flexes forearm Triceps brachii – extends forearm Brachialis – flexex forearm Extensor & flexor carpi – moves wrist & hand Extensor & flexor digitorum – moves fingers
Illiopsoas – flexes thigh Gluteus maximus – extends thigh 15. Which of the muscles of the lower limb move the thigh, & what are their actions? (pp. 126-29) Illiopsoas – flexes thigh Gluteus maximus – extends thigh Gluteus medius – abducts (moves away from midline) thigh Adductor group – adducts (towards midline) thigh
Quadriceps femoris group – extends lower leg 15. Which of the muscles of the lower limb move the lower leg, & what are their actions? Quadriceps femoris group – extends lower leg Hamstring group – flexes lower leg & extends hip Sartorius – flexes, abducts & rotates leg
15. Which of the muscles of the lower limb move the feet? Gastrocnemius – plantar flexion (bending @ joint) and eversion (sole outward) of foot Tibalis anterior – dorsiflexion and inversion (sole inward) of foot Peroneus group - plantar flexion and eversion of foot Soleus – plantar flexes of foot