Washington Open Course Library: Free/Open Complete Course Materials David Lippman Pierce College Ft Steilacoom Dale HoffmanMelonie Rasmussen Bellevue CollegePierce College Ft Steilacoom Tyler WallaceFederico Marchetti Big Bend Community CollegeShoreline Community College
What is the OCL Project? Design 81 high-enrollment courses (42 in phase 1) for face-to-face, hybrid, or online delivery Reduce cost of course materials (< $30) New resources for faculty to use in their courses Creating ready-to-use course modules
This is NOT Mandated curriculum Canned courses An effort to force classes to go online The courses will be digital and modular so faculty can take the pieces they want to use and ignore the rest
Who did what? Tyler Wallace, Big Bend CC Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Federico Marchetti, Shoreline CC Intro Statistics Melonie Rasmussen & David Lippman, Pierce CC Precalculus 1 and 2 Dale Hoffman, Bellevue College Calculus 1, 2, and 3
Common Features A free online textbook or readings that can be printed for under $30 Sample syllabi with outcomes Homework (paper and/or online) Sample assessments (quizzes, tests, etc.)
Open Textbook Open Student Solutions Manual Open Workbook Online Homework Videos online by section and topic Beginning and Intermediate Algebra
All Resources Available for Free
Five minute video per topic On their own: 2 problems After 4-5 related videos, do homework After 6 homework assignments, do review After review, test Learn math by doing math…
What it looks like (book)
What it looks like (homepage)
What it looks like (topics)
What it looks like (homework) Link to download related textbook section
Calculus 1-3 Open textbook Sample assessments Class handouts / worksheets Some online exercises (not yet on MyOpenMath)
What the book looks like
Statistics Free online text: combination of original work and remixing of Rice Univs online stats book Weekly assignments based on data sets Designed for online delivery
Precalculus 1 and 2 Free online book, printed for $15 Sample syllabus with outcomes Sample assessments (quizzes and tests) All materials are available in Word or text format if you want to modify or customize at a section or sentence level
Precalculus 1 and 2 Instructor guide, detailing the contents Discussion forums to promote interaction Additional online resources, including links to other textbooks, video sites, and technology tools
Day by Day guide showing suggested lecture pace, and how handouts, activities, and assessments fit in the course structure
Lecture outlines, with examples
Online algorithmically generated homework for each section, in addition to book homework
Videos related to online homework for most sections
Approach Focus on the story of functions Contextual motivation Rule of four integrated throughout Stepping stone in level of thinking Integrated circle/triangle trig approach Distributed approach to trig identities and solving trig equations
How to get them All courses on opencourselibrary.org Preview, or download for Angel or IMS CC With online homework - Beginning and Intermediate Algebra - Precalculus 1 and 2 Preview: Username/password: OCLwww.myopenmath.com Ready to copy shell: Calc: is.gd/oclcalc1, is.gd/oclcalc2, is.gd/oclcalc3is.gd/oclcalc1is.gd/oclcalc2is.gd/oclcalc3