IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC Teleconference Plan and Agenda April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 August 2013 IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC Teleconference Plan and Agenda Date: 2013-08-01 Authors: Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
April 2009 doc.: IEEE 802.19-09/xxxxr0 August 2013 Abstract This presentation is the plan for the August 1, 2013 IEEE 802.11 Regulatory Standing Committee teleconference. Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation Rich Kennedy, Research In Motion
Agenda Assign a recording secretary Administrative items August 2013 Agenda Assign a recording secretary Peter Administrative items Required notices ITS / DSRC coexistence Tiger Team Update on NPRM FCC 13-22 R&O/FNPRM/NOI FCC 13-39 on RF Exposure EN 300 328 v1.8.1 and EN 301 893 v1.7.1 AOB Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
Administrative Items Required notices Chair and Secretary August 2013 Administrative Items Required notices Affiliation FAQ - Anti-Trust FAQ - Ethics - IEEE 802.11 Working Group Policies and Procedures - Chair and Secretary Chair is Rich Kennedy (BlackBerry) Peter Ecclesine will act as Recording Secretary Please send an email to the addresses below to have your attendance recorded Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
SC Operating Rules Anybody can vote, present, and make motions May 2012 doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/0675r0 August 2013 SC Operating Rules Anybody can vote, present, and make motions Participation in SC during 802.11 WG Plenary or Interim counts towards 802.11 voting rights All motions must pass by a 75% majority Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation Clint Chaplin, Chair (Samsung)
Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings August 2013 Other Guidelines for IEEE WG Meetings All IEEE-SA standards meetings shall be conducted in compliance with all applicable laws, including antitrust and competition laws. Don’t discuss the interpretation, validity, or essentiality of patents/patent claims. Don’t discuss specific license rates, terms, or conditions. Relative costs, including licensing costs of essential patent claims, of different technical approaches may be discussed in standards development meetings. Technical considerations remain primary focus Don’t discuss or engage in the fixing of product prices, allocation of customers, or division of sales markets. Don’t discuss the status or substance of ongoing or threatened litigation. Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed … do formally object. --------------------------------------------------------------- See IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual, clause 5.3.10 and “Promoting Competition and Innovation: What You Need to Know about the IEEE Standards Association's Antitrust and Competition Policy” for more details. Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
Introduction Outputs from this group must go through 802.18 Purpose August 2013 Introduction Purpose Improve the working relationship between the technical experts and the regulatory specialists, especially when it comes to critical technical issues Scope The group will review new regulatory changes or impending changes affecting 802.11 standards Each meeting will focus on the most critical issue at the time Critical Issue Focus Direct impact on IEEE 802.11 current and future standards Response/Input deadlines Coordination with IEEE 802.18 (RR-TAG) Coordination with the Wi-Fi Alliance Outputs from this group must go through 802.18 Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
ITS / DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team August 2013 ITS / DSRC Coexistence Tiger Team What should be the outcome from the group? Set of coexistence requirements for 802.11 in the 5 GHz band with ITS safety of life and property communications in the 5.9 GHz band Form a group to provide a formal interface to other organizations in the automotive industry, NHTSA, DOT and other ITS players What is the required milestone timeline Dependent upon the FCC et al, progress on the rollout of the standards, technologies and laws Outcome of experiments prior to rulemaking; proof of concepts August 21, 2013 completion of project; data to follow CAMP/DOT testing and validating Who will lead the group? Jim Lansford Meeting times and recurrence? Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
NPRM FCC 13-22 Deadline for Comments was May 28th August 2013 NPRM FCC 13-22 Deadline for Comments was May 28th Deadline for Reply Comments was July 24th NPRM: IEEE 802 Comments: IEEE 802 Reply Comments (submitted 7/23 with fixes): Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
FCC 13-22 Comments Timeline* August 2013 FCC 13-22 Comments Timeline* April 4th: Framework document at r2 April 18th through May 2nd: Develop text from the adopted framework document May 2nd – 9th:Develop the text May 13th – 15th (in Waikoloa): Final editing and IEEE 802.11 Regulatory SC approval; Initial IEEE 802.18 review May 16th: IEEE 802.18 final review and approval May 17th: Start ExCom 10-day ballot May 23rd Regulatory SC call (as required) May 28th: Filed 5/28 *NPRM published in the Federal Register on April 10th. Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
FCC 13-22 Reply Comments Timeline August 2013 FCC 13-22 Reply Comments Timeline Timeline (based on July 24th deadline) June 6th: Review framework June 13th: Finalize framework June 20th: Draft planning June 27th: Review draft July 11th: Regulatory SC final draft review; send preliminary to 802.18 July 15th – 18th (Geneva): Vote to approve final; to ExCom for their final review July 19th: ExCom approval July 24th: Filed 7/23 Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
FCC 13-22 Received Reply Comments August 2013 FCC 13-22 Received Reply Comments Non-controversial actions this year 5470 to 5850 MHz [3 – 6 months?] Reopening TDWR and 15.247 changes 5150 to 5250 MHz [1 year? could require NPRM] 5850 to 5925 MHz [2 – 3 years?] 5350 to 5470 MHz [3 – 5 years] Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
August 2013 R&O/FNPRM/NOI FCC 13-39 FCC Rules for Human RF Exposure still based on 2003 decisions More stringent than ICNIRP (International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) exposure limits Measurement methods not harmonized with IEC 62209-2 -2010 Human Exposure to RF Fields From Hand Held and Body Mounted Wireless Communications Devices Measurement methods require test data be extrapolated to represent 100% duty cycle; not realistic for Wi-Fi Multiple radios, multiple antennas, new form factors demand rules be updated to properly address current and future technologies We should corrective actions as part of this proceeding Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
August 2013 Proposals The FCC’s exposure limits for the general public should be updated and harmonized with internationally accepted exposure limits of 2W/kg over 10 gm averaging mass (IEEE C95-1-2005 and ICNIRP) The FCC should adopt measurement techniques that are developed by international standards groups and harmonized among industries: IEC 62209-2 -2010 Human Exposure to RF Fields From Hand Held and Body Mounted Wireless Communications Devices Operational Duty Cycles: The FCC should incorporate into its testing standards for operational duty cycles relevant for determining worst case transmitter duty factor correction for Specific Absorption Rate Testing The FCC should adopt the low power exclusions contained in IEC 62479 Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
August 2013 EN 300 328 and EN 301 893 Issues Current versions of the test plans require complex and/or expensive measurement methods for Power/PSD Single-sourced test equipment needed for this test; or Complex post-processing data manipulation Should create new revisions with alternate test procedure to become voluntary before current versions become mandatory Industrial Automation industry pushing for multiple versions of EN 300 328 to allow non-adaptive use Manual coexistence management CEN/CENELEC/ETSI meeting September 3rd could make this happen Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
August 2013 EN 300 328 and EN 301 893 Concern Device manufacturers need to understand that the only way to meet the EU adaptivity requirement is through the use of CCA mode 1 Non-compliant devices are currently on the market, and could be used as a reason for waiving the adaptivity requirement for the IA industry Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
Any Other Actual Business August 2013 Any Other Actual Business Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
References August 2013 NTIA letter to FCC re 13-22 NPRM FCC 13-22 (ET Docket 13-49) FCC 13-22 Comment framework document FCC 13-22 Comments FCC 13-22 Reply Comment framework document FCC 13-22 Comments survey FCC 13-22 Reply Comments Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation
References [2] August 2013 R&O/FNPRM/NOI FCC 13-39 EN 300 328 v1.8.1 EN 300 328 v1.8.1 EN 301 893v1.7.1: Rich Kennedy, BlackBerry Corporation