< NAME OF THE NGO > <Registered Office Details > < FORMAT - Village/City/District, State> <DATE OF SUBMISSION> 2018 – 2019
GUIDELINES FOR FILLING THE TEMPLATE Please note this is a template to be filled by those interested NGOs in response to the RFP (observe detailed guidelines on the TOR note). Please be brief and concise while filling the template, the same will be used for your presentation. Fill in the template with crisp, succinct usage of sentences that best expresses the concept being proposed/information being asked for. Every slide has word/line restriction which is to be duly abided. The template can be extended to following slides as per the context and details of your project. While filling the theme please do fill in the sub themes for e.g. Theme> Education>Sub Theme> The decision taken by the donor and CAF India on shortlisting of NGOs and final grant award will be final. For any queries please contact rfp@cafindia.org
ORGANIZATION DETAILS Profile of your organization - Mission and Vision Governance structure : - Provide Name, Email Id and Contact Numbers of CEO/Director/Chief Functionary. - Provide Name and Details of Members of Board. Registration Details: - Year of registration: - Type of Registration ( trust/society/Sec 8): - Registered Office: - Registration Number: - Pan Number: - NGO Darpan Status Number : - Certificates (e.g. 80 G, 12A etc.) : - FCRA Number : Regional Offices : - List down the Regional Officers/Local Offices in format Village/District/City – State Website link : (url) Nodal Point (Provide Name, Email and Contact Number of Focal Point for related communication) :
THEMATIC SELECTION INTERVENTION MAIN THEME (s) : Education/Environment/Empowerment INTERVENTION SUB THEME (s) : <……..> (List down sub themes under selected main theme for e.g Environment > Bio Diversity) NUMBER OF PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN IN SELECTED THEMES : < SAMPLE PHOTO > Instructions : Simply list down one intervention/project and the corresponding sub theme. These themes should be aligned with the Schedule VII of Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013. Please provide the overall number of projects for the thematic interventions Please provide numbers, gender, ethnicity and age-groups while mentioning target beneficiaries
PROJECT OVERVIEW Instructions Consists of seven sections each to be duly filled From the enlisted projects, please highlight a specific project for the purposes of the presentation. You can suggest replication of an ongoing programme or propose a new programme. In case of replication of an ongoing programme, please provide a proof of concept. Please adhere to the concerned word limit for certain sections.
PROJECT ELEMENTS Cont.………. Background/Situational Analysis ( maximum 250 – 300 words only) Programme Hypothesis and Theory of Change (maximum 300 – 350 words only) Proposed location (in the format of village, district, state, please provide a map) Duration of the proposed programme (minimum 1 year) Programme Strategy ( provide an synopsis of the overall intent, strategy in 300 – 350 words only) Programme Objectives (Restrict your answer to four key bullet points, provide SMART project goals) Target Beneficiary Profile (mention type of community/communities, gender and age group, also provide in 200 – 250 words the logic of selecting the specific beneficiary group) Stakeholders Analysis (provide a stakeholder interactive mapping used for the project. Please indicate how you will engage with community members, local bodies, government, technical resource partners and others) Risk Analysis ( in 250 – 300 words detail out external and internal risks and the risk mitigation strategy) Cont.……….
PROJECT ELEMENTS Programme Management ( provide in 300 – 400 words list of activities under the project) Implementation Plan with timelines ( provide in 300 – 350 words but prefer we prefer a diagram or flowchart) Programme Output (provide a brief table of outputs as against the programme activities) Work plan (include various milestones that you expect to reach on a half yearly basis) Monitoring Plan (provide in 250 – 300 words the monitoring mechanism used, any IT tools) Programme Evaluation (list down in 250 – 300 words the evaluation criteria that will be used for the project) Programme Impact (provide in 300 words the diverse indicators that the project will use to assess overall outcome) Reporting and Documentation ( define the frequency and nature of reporting in 200 words for the project) Communication Plan ( outline the overall marketing and dissemination strategy in 300 words for the project outreach)
PROJECT OVERVIEW Innovation (300 -350 words) What is the Innovation incorporated in the project design and implementation? Will there be use of any IT and Technology for the project? If yes, please provide details. Overall Impact (300 – 350 words) What will the overall impact achieved by the proposed project? How is the scalability of the project ensured by the implementation? Proof of concept (300 – 350 words) Is the proposed project a replication of an ongoing programme? If so, please provide proof of concept
PROJECT OVERVIEW III. Strategic Collaboration/s with other catalytic organisation/s working under the same theme. (please describe in one slide 300 words only)
PROJECT OVERVIEW IV. Volunteering Opportunities List down key components of the project that highlights scope of employee engagement, volunteering etc. (please describe in one slide 300 words only)
PROJECT OVERVIEW V. Integration with Global Goals List down an SDG (target) or other relevant global goals that the proposed project aims to address. (please describe in one slide 300 words only)
PROJECT OVERVIEW VI. Project Budget (Filled in the enclosed Excel format of the Application Package)
VII. EXPECTATION/S FROM THE DONOR PROJECT OVERVIEW VII. EXPECTATION/S FROM THE DONOR Instructions Please provide any specific expectations (in bullet points) that you may like to seek for the donor. Please be very specific, concise and aligned to the overall context of the proposed project. Please restrict to one slide only.
Past Performance – Project References Instructions Please provide the list of the projects undertake by your organization. The table can be extended to the subsequent slide given the number of projects. Please note, you are requested to add only the most recently 4- 5 maximum completed or ongoing projects from the last 1- 2 years only. TITLE LOCATION - (Provide a map highlighting the geographical presence) FUNDER (s) (Name of Corporate, GOI, Foundations etc) DURATION BUDGET TARGET BENEFICIARIES SDG Alignment (which goals/targets the mentioned interventions address too)
Institutional Capability Statement: Donor References Instructions Please provide the contacts of atleast three donors along with their email ID, cellphone number for recently completed/ongoing projects. Please explain in detail as to how are your organization is best suited to deliver the proposed project ( 200 -300 words in bullets)
Profile of the Key Personnel for the Proposed Project INSTRUCTION Please provide a project personnel organogram Provide profile of each Project personnel (max. four lines each)
AWARDS & ACCOLADES Please provide snapshots of any Awards and Recognition received for the intervention. Add any links from sources showcasing the award <Embed links> Please note only those links or snapshots are mentioned or showcased that are concerned with the intervention mentioned at your end. Please restrict details to One Slide Only.
SUPPORTING PHOTOGRAPHS Please add any photographs relevant to the proposed project as detailed in the project overview section. Please use appropriate legends to the photographs. Please provide low resolution 3-5 photographs only.