Framing Educational Debates in Latvia Gabrielle Hogan-Brun University of Bristol 22/02/2019
Selected Latvian Newspapers Телеграф Вести сегодня Source: Latvian Centre for Human Rights & Ethnic Studies 22/02/2019
Education Law (1998) Language of Acquisition of Education (Article 9) Language of Acquisition of Education (Article 9) (3) …each educatee shall learn the official language and take examinations testing his or her knowledge of the official language… Amendment From 1 September 2004, acquisition of the study curriculum in the official language shall be effected according to the proportion of three fifths (=60%) of the total study load. 22/02/2019
Students by Language of Instruction (Ministry of Education) 22/02/2019
Ethnic Composition of the Population of Latvia 22/02/2019
Latvia 22/02/2019
The educational reform as reflected in the media Russian-medium press ‘assimilating Latvianization’ moratorium on the reform (till 2007) (Head of the Latvian Association for the Support of Russian-language schools) defending secondary and higher education in Russian (Russian minority representatives from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) 22/02/2019
The educational reform as reflected in the media Latvian-medium press the Russian-medium press is spreading untruths & commonplace stereotypes the position of the Russian language is protected self-sufficiency of the Russian community 25% choose the maintenance of Russian 22/02/2019
Anti-reform protest actions as reflected in the media RETURN TO AGGRESSIVE PROTEST ACTIONS AGAINST EDUCATIONAL REFORM ************** …to vindicate disregard of Russian-speakers’ rights & interests during last 13 years… (Headquarters for the Defence of Russian Schools) 22/02/2019
Anti-reform protest actions as reflected in the media 65,000 in protest actions (Russian-medium press) between 20,000 and 60,000 (Latvian-medium press) Headquarters for the Defence of Russian-language Schools foresees a return to aggressive protest actions against the education reform & is forming Youth Guard Section of railway near Riga is blown up Violence of ten Russian youths against 20 year old Aleksanders Vagannovs Protest meetings in Rezekne & Liepaja 22/02/2019
Other events ‘I speak Russian’ (Latvian Association for the support of Russian-language schools): - promotion of the cultural values of the Russian language & popularise Russian - poetry readings in the Russian language - opportunity to register as a supporter of the Russian- speaking community Minority cultural festivals (Program for the Promotion of Society Integration in Latvia) 22/02/2019
Education reform: how ready are schools expected to be ? 12.5. (Prime Minister) one out of 108 secondary schools is not ready 21.5. (State Education inspection) most of Riga’s minority schools are ready 25.5. (Head of Inspectorate) only one in 60 minority schools is not ready There is no reason why the transition to tuition in Latvian […] could not be realised by 1 September 2004 22/02/2019
Opinion poll: how ready are the students? (24.5.) 80% of minority students have difficulties learning subjects taught in Latvian 57% of 10th graders have a good knowledge of Latvian 33% need to improve their knowledge 10% lack sufficient Latvian language knowledge. 22/02/2019
Opinion poll: involvement of the population (17.5.) 33.4% of inhabitants of Riga (mostly minorities, young people and non-citizens) are well informed about the reform 40% have sufficient knowledge 19.3% ‘have heard something about it’, but do not feel competent 3.2% have not heard anything about the reform 22/02/2019
Minister of Education and Science Juris Radzevics Measures for improving minority education within the framework of existing laws and regulations: 1) increase by one lesson per week the number of Latvian lessons & divide classes 2) bilingual education methodology centre to promote bilingual education 3) prevent action ‘Empty Schools’ 4) ensure that the quality of education does not suffer Protest actions less connected with the education reform; demonstrations to provoke state security officials. 22/02/2019
Former Minister of Education Sergejs Kruks society is getting polarised it will take at least ten years to repair the damage inflicted Russian speakers will not yield as the new generation does not feel guilty for the Soviet past anymore & is more aware of liberal values and their own rights 22/02/2019
Latvia’s State President Vaira Vike-Freiberga State security organisations are to deal with disturbances of orders and the violation of rights during protest actions against the educational reform. It is unacceptable that students are involved in the protest actions. ‘Russians must accept that this is an independent state and have to become Latvians of Russian origin but Latvians. If they want to be Russians they can go back to Russia.’ 22/02/2019
Prime Minister Indulis Emsis Possible solutions to education reform problems: - recognise that some students will encounter problem - extra classes and methodology materials Several political parties use education issues in their own self-interests, thus preventing the development of a constructive dialogue between the government and the minorities in the area of the educational reform. 22/02/2019
Prime Minister's Advisor From the point of view of the state security it will be dangerous to yield to pressures from the Russian community now. Insufficient preparedness of the educational reform’s implementation has created a political climate for mass political movement. Main task now: not allow political consolidation of the Russian community on the basis of the educational reform. 22/02/2019
Special Task Minister for Society Integration Nils Muiznieks against moratorium on the reform; ‘opponents are not interested in the reform; simply political goals’ the reform is essential for the interruption of the reproduction of the Soviet system which created a divided society on the basis of language in society integration of children and young people; promoting civic participation and knowledge of the language support from the Belarusian, Ukrainian and Azerbajanian & Russian minority communities EU Parliament candidate 22/02/2019
Russia Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov (visiting): ‘Everyone should be able to get education in the language given by God’. Critizised by the Head of Saeima Foreign Affairs Committee…political stance on Latvian internal affairs. Russian Foreign Affairs Minister: Refusal to ratify the Framework Convention: - increases protests in Russian speaking society in Latvia (~40%) & further deteriorates the situation; already continuous mass manifestations - contradicts human rights (& Latvian Constitution). 22/02/2019
Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities Adopted by the Council of Europe in 1994; came into force in 1998. *********** ‘The parties undertake to promote the conditions necessary for persons belonging to national minorities to maintain their culture and preserve […] their language’. 22/02/2019
Framework Convention Latvian Centre for Human Rights and Ethnic Studies report criticises non-ratification ratification is proposed in Parliament by opposition parliamentarians Head of Saeima Artis Pabrikas’ official letter: premature ratification would split rather than unite society Saeima’s sub-commission on Social Integration: ratification with several reservations. 22/02/2019
International organisations & educational reform Secretary General of Council of Europe …the Latvian authorities must take into account the opinion of the Russian-speaking inhabitants of Latvia. Bertie Ahern (President of the Council of Europe) …Latvia and Estonia fully complying with their obligations in the area of human rights. 22/02/2019
International organisations & educational reform Romano Prodi (President of the European Commission) …there are some problems in this area; more careful consideration of the Russian-speaking minority, their rights and their integration into Europe is needed. OSCE (Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe) …the right to qualitative education for all will not be endangered. 22/02/2019
International organisations & educational reform The First Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe (Alvaro Gil-Robles) …there is a concern about a possible confrontation in society, the lack of a dialogue between the state, the students and their parents regarding the implementation of the education reform. <-> government website: AGR supports the education reform. 22/02/2019
International organisations & educational reform Nixon Centre Dimitri K. Simes …Latvian Government’s minority policies agree with democratic principles, but should be implemented with more consideration and sense of tact. Former Advisor to Margaret Thatcher (John O'Sullivan) …Latvia should grant more rights to non-citizens, but non citizens, especially the youth, should manifest their loyalty towards the state. 22/02/2019
Some Interim Conclusions Boris Tsilevitch, MP: …’the President recognises the problem of the education reform but is unable to resolve it; strategic mistakes of the government: - attempts to settle problems at the level of explanation and propaganda - intervention of secret services & repressive measures against the organisers of protest actions - discounting of parents’ opinions’. 22/02/2019
Some Interim Conclusions Russian Business Advisory Service Programme: The education reform should be implemented in accordance with the desires of minority students, their parents & individual minority schools, depending on their degree of readiness. The integration process will be long; not possible to speed up by compulsory measures in the area of education. Ludmila Azarova: ‘Latvians: tolerant; criticises reform’s opponents & Russian press for ‘psychological terror & defamation’. 22/02/2019