1. immutable (adj.) never changing Princess Charlotte is an immutable hedonist, forever yachting and partying with the rich and famous.
A baseball umpire has to be impartial, making sure his calls are fair to both teams. 2. heretic (n.) a person who upholds religious doctrines contrary to the established beliefs of his or her church. 2. impartial (adj.) fair; showing no favoritism.
3. impassive (adj.) without feeling or emotion Good poker players are supposed to maintain impassive appearances, so no one knows what cards they are holding. 3. impassive (adj.) without feeling or emotion
We couldn’t believe that Rafael would be that imperturbable in the midst of a riot. 4. homogeneous (adj.) similar; uniform in nature. 4. imperturbable (adj.) not easily excitable or disturbed.
5. implausible (adj.) not readily believable; not reasonable The hypothetical case which Dan presented was so implausible that no one listened to him. 5. implausible (adj.) not readily believable; not reasonable
6. inadvertent (adj.) not done on purpose; careless An inadvertent technical error almost destroyed the status of the entire space program.. 6. inadvertent (adj.) not done on purpose; careless
7. incipient (adj.) in an early stage The rookie’s flagrant error spelled doom for his incipient baseball career. . 7. incipient (adj.) in an early stage
8. incisive (adj.) very direct Cheryl’s incisive coverage of City Hall affairs make her a formidable candidate for a Pulitzer Prize. 8. incisive (adj.) very direct
9. incongruous (adj.) inappropriate; out of place Seeing a little boy in a room filled with baseball giants struck me as totally incongruous. 9. incongruous (adj.) inappropriate; out of place
10. incontrovertible (adj.) not able to be disputed or denied Ryan offered incontrovertible evidence to show that his former partner was involved in a blackmail scheme. 10. incontrovertible (adj.) not able to be disputed or denied