Autism Law Summit, October, 2018
Together for Choice Conference 2016: Formation of Together for Choice TFC: The Beginning 2014: HCBS Settings Rule 2015: Together for Choice Conference 2016: Formation of Together for Choice 2017: Together for Choice incorporated
Mission Statement “Uniting to protect and advance the rights of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) to live, work and thrive in a community or setting of their choice.”
Beginning of National Grassroots Advocacy Grassroots Movement Beginning of National Grassroots Advocacy Representing organizations, families and self advocates Covington and Burling’s memo of legal challenge to CMS Settings Rule Presentations to create awareness and gain support at several events nationwide Working to guide outcomes, promote choice, ensure rights and increase awareness
CMS Settings Rule Beginning in about 2009, the Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services(CMS) has been engaged in ongoing discussions with stakeholders, states and federal partners about the qualities of community-based settings that distinguish them from institutional settings. In 2014, CMS provided final regulations concerning Home and Community Based(HCBS) waiver funding and what were considered “community integrated” settings in which Medicaid would provide funding. They gave states several years(now 2022) to submit a State Transition Plan and fully comply with this “final rule”. In effect this final rule lawfully excludes recipients from living in “disability-specific settings” designed to support individuals with disabilities from receiving Medicaid HCBS…thus excluding choice. Covington Burling memo issued challenging the legality of the “final rule”. TFC supports the rights of individuals with IDD to live, work, and thrive in a community of setting of their choice.
TFC “Days on the Hill”
TFC in 2017 19 Sponsors in 6 States: 6 Organizations 13 Individuals
902 Sponsors in 47 States: 62 Organizations 840 Individuals TFC in 2018 902 Sponsors in 47 States: 62 Organizations 840 Individuals
TFC 2018 and Beyond Lessons learned from 2017 CMS Path Legislative Path Together for Choice Conference, Oct. 17-19 What’s our outlook, especially after November 2018? Going Beyond HCBS: How can we be proactive? How can we ensure choice and expand options for individuals with developmental disabilities in the following? Housing Day Services Vocation Continuum of Care Community Engagement/Integration Personal Development
Next Steps Learn about all residential options including intentional communities Become more aware of HCBS Settings Rule and advocate for choice Become a sponsor for Together for Choice: Involve families and legislators to support amending rule to make clear that an individuals right to choose is paramount October 2018: Together for Choice Fall Conference
2018 Together for Choice Conference October 17-19 TFC Conference 2018 2018 Together for Choice Conference October 17-19 Misericordia Heart of Mercy 6300 N. Ridge Ave. Chicago, IL 60660 For more information and registration: or contact: Questions: Scott McAvoy, VP of Operations, Marbridge Foundation