San Francisco, California October 10, 2005 Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York LEAP And SLEAP Update North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota National Association of State Student Grant and Aid Programs (NASSGAP) Fall Conference Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri San Francisco, California October 10, 2005 Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Agenda Introduction Program Info Q and A’s/Comments Operational Calendar Budget Figures Program Data Q and A’s/Comments
LEAP and SLEAP Operational Calendar October 2005 Due Date for 2004-2005 LEAP/SLEAP Performance Reports Currently awaiting OMB’s approval of the performance report Await word before submitting annual performance report to the Department. Look to hear from our office mid to end of October once we’ve gotten word that the form has been approved by OMB Nov/Dec 2005 ED Reviews and Evaluates LEAP/SLEAP Performance Reports March 2006 Deadline Dates Notice Published April-May 2006 2005-2006 Reallotments (if any) to States May 2006 2006-2007 LEAP and SLEAP Applications are Due (Pending Appropriation) June 2006 2006-2007 LEAP and SLEAP Awards to States (Pending Appropriation)
Budget Figures FY 2006 (President’s Budget Request) $ 0 FY 2005 $65.6 Million* Past Years Allocations FY 2004 $66.1 Million* FY 2003 $65.5 Million* *For any fiscal year for which the amount appropriated under the LEAP Program exceeds $30,000,000 the excess shall be available to carry out the SLEAP Program.
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Total State Aid Total = $5,661,683,684 In State Grant Aid
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Total State Aid-LEAP and SLEAP Total = $5,661,683,684 In State Grant Aid
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Size of the LEAP and SLEAP Programs $896,050,250 Total Size Note: $1,220,207,725 Total Size of Programs in the previous year
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Expenditures by Type of Institution
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Expenditures By Student Income Level
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Grant Recipients by Type of Institution
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Grant Recipient Population
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Grant Recipients by Income Level 100,401 482,856 248,090
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Total LEAP Federal Expenditures = $ 29,227,988 Total LEAP State Matching Expenditures = $ 703,871,979 Total State MOE Requirement = $ 530,807,854 Total Amount States Overmatch = $ 173,064,125 (Above MOE Requirement) Total Number of LEAP Student Recipients = 588,750 Student Recipient Average Award = $ 1,245 Total SLEAP Federal Expenditures = $ 34,337,889 Total SLEAP State Matching Expenditures = $ 128,612,393 Total Number of SLEAP Student Recipients = 242,597 Student Recipient Average Award = $ 483
LEAP and SLEAP Program Data 2003-2004 Award Year Program Projections
LEAP and SLEAP Programs Contact Greg Gerrans Direct/VM: 202-377-3304 Cell Phone: 202-369-9560 Fax: 269-857-5198 Questions, comments, feedback please e-mail us at: Please visit our Financial Partners portal at: