Writing the IA Report: Introduction and Evaluation IB Diploma Psychology
Intoduction: What you need to do. Provide the theoretical framework upon which the original study was based State the aim of the study and explain the study’s relevance Describe the original study in detail including State the IV and the DV State and operationalized Research Hypothesis and Null Hypothesis Your Introduction(6 marks)
Introduction: How to Reach the Top Mark Band The aim of the investigation is stated and its relevance is explained. The theory or model upon which the student’s investigation is based is described and the link to the student's investigation is explained. The IV and DV are stated and operationalized ion the null or research hypotheses. Grade of 5-6
Introduction: How to Reach the Top Mark Band The aim of the investigation is stated and its relevance is explained. Your aim should be a concisely expressed statement of what you hope to determine. The aim of this study is to see whether there is a significant difference between intentional and incidental learning of a list of words among bilingual international high school students at a school in Asia. Explain the relevance of the study. What are the real life applications? The evidence from this study can be used to … This study is important as it may show that ...
Introduction: How to Reach the Top Mark Band The theory or model upon which the student’s investigation is based is described and the link to the student's investigation is explained. Explain the research question that you and the original investigators are interested in. You are not expected to give a “literature review” of other studies Describe the original study in detail. Identify the link between the theory/study and your investigation.
Introduction: How to Reach the Top Mark Band The IV and DV are stated and operationalized in the null or research hypotheses. Clearly state the IV Example #1: The IV is the presence of music with a fast (120 bpm) or a slow tempo (60 bpm) while participants exercise. Example #2 The IV is the tempo of music played while participants exercise : Condition 1 Fast Temp 120 bpm, Condition 2 Slow Tempo 60 bpm.
Introduction: How to Reach the Top Mark Band The IV and DV are stated and operationalized in the null or research hypotheses. Clearly state the DV Example: The DV is the number of pushups completed in 5 minutes.
Introduction: How to Reach the Top Mark Band The IV and DV are stated and operationalized in the null or research hypotheses. Clearly state the Research and Null hypotheses. Research Hypothese Participants who listen to fast tempo music (120 bpm) will perform significantly more pushups in 5 minutes that participants who listen to slow tempo music (60 bpm). Null Hypothesis There will be no significant difference in the number of pushups performed by participants who listen fast tempo music (120 bpm) compared to participants who listen to slow tempo music (60 bpm).
Introduction: Organisation Theory Original study and relevance Aim Variables Hypotheses
Exploration: What you need to do. This section of the report explains the decisions your group made in replicating the study. Your Exploration (4 marks)
Exploration: How to Reach the Top Mark Band The research design is explained Grade of 3-4
Language: Tenses The Introduction should mostly be written in the present tense except when you are describing the study you replicated. The study conducted by …. The aim is… The Research Hypothesis is… The Exploration should be in past tense. The experiment used a …. design. There were 18 students in our sample taken from a target population made up of … The participants signed an informed consent form…
Language: Tenses The Analysis should mostly be written in past tense. The results were … The Standard Deviation was … The test showed that … The Evaluation should be mostly written in past tense. The results supported the findings of … One strength of our study was … There were variables we did not control well…
Language: Pronouns The Introduction should written in a formal and impersonal style. The aim is… The Research Hypothesis is… The Exploration should generally be written in a formal and impersonal style but you can use “we”. We constructed a list of words… We flipped a coin …
Language: Pronouns The Analysis should mostly be written in a formal and impersonal style but you can use “I”. I analysed the data using …The Standard Deviation was … The null hypothesis was rejected… I rejected the null hypothesis. The Evaluation should be mostly written in an a formal and impersonal style but you can use “we” and “our”. It is difficult to generalize our findings… A limitation of this study was that we used independent measures design.