Presented by Bob Donchez BUSINESS PREPARATION 101 Presented by Bob Donchez
Business World & Academics Transitions & Take Aways H.S. to College to Business
KEYS RESULTS DRIVEN ! 1. Plan 2. Preparation 3. Focus 4. Effort 5. Must be: RESULTS DRIVEN !
Business Meetings: Conduct / Expectations / Assessment 1. On time / when scheduled / in attendance / prepared. 2. Project / assignment deadlines adhered to. 3. Ready & involved; unacceptable responses. 4. Outside material / business meetings: Not permitted!
Business Meetings: Conduct / Expectations / Assessment 5. Appointments / No shows / Cancellations - Policies 6. No Sleeping 7. Inappropriate departures from business meetings: During / @ end. 8. Inappropriate use of others’ work: honor code 9. Proper names
Business Meetings: Conduct / Expectations / Assessment 10. Cell phone / Hand-held communications devices policy
E-Mail: Conduct Policy 1. Business time frame - correspondence: business day / after hours / weekend 2. Requirements: a. Subject line b. Opening / salutation c. Request for action: specifics d. Contact info including phone & section e. Closing
Preparation & Study Approach Logic Understanding Learning NOT: Memorization Or Binge and Purge
Preparation & Study Approach Perimeter of a Square?? P = 4s Or P = 2L + 2W
Preparation & Study Approach Amount of Studying
Preparation & Study Approach Focus Level
Study Approach Treat like Job => Five days /week Read relevant material night before covered in class (back to front) Outline of summary / highlights / key terms
Study Approach Go to class / sit near front / take notes Review notes from that day’s class for 15-20 minutes after class, penciling in any additional thoughts / understandings At night, review lecture notes, work problems, pull out important info from text based on lecture notes.
MUST Acquire the skill sets to SUCCEED!
FINAL TAKEAWAY One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for an extended period of time. Andre Gide