Anti-Lynching Movement in America AIM: Why was the lynching of African Americans allowed to continue through the 20th century?
History of Lynching Dates back to Revolutionary War when Charles Lynch hung Loyalist supporters End of Reconstruction created an environment that allowed lynchings
Segregation and Lynchings Southern Whites Expectations of Blacks Blacks could never look a white person in the eye Accept being addressed as boy or girl, auntie or uncle rather than sir or madam Not walk on the same side of street as whites Never involve themselves sexually with whites. Know your “Proper Place”
Consequences Rounded up by angry mobs, strung up on the nearest tree, bridge or light pole Then shot, burned castrated and mutilated Police often aided by releasing them from jail to the angry mob
Results 4,700 people lynched between 1882-1930
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Action Taken Ida B. Wells – born into slavery, educated at Fisk University, teacher and journalist
Ida B Wells Focused on the inhumanity of lynchings Proved statistically that the Southern defense of lynchings (that punishment was meant to protect white women from African American rapists) was FALSE. Lynchings was un-American and un-Christian
She correctly concluded the real problem was Racism and could also be supported by America’s imperialist actions toward the Philippines and Cuba.
National Attention 1909 – Bi-racial organization focused on eliminating lynchings
Dyer-Anti-Lynching Bill Make Lynching a Capital crime, fines/jail time for law enforcement officers who did nothing to stop a mob and for releasing prisonsers to the mob. Victims could sue for monetary damage. Supported by 24 state governors, 39 mayors, 29 college presidents Passes in the House 230 to 119 Fails in the Senate – Southern Democrats filibuster it an claim it promoted “rape”
Anti-Lynching Legislation in the Future Never able to get a law passed
954 Hate Groups are currently operating in the US.