Chapter 1: The Methods of Biology – Scientific Method
Scientific Method _______ _______ - a __________ and ________ procedure of investigation used in science; combination of scientific ___________ in a logical way. Logical orderly processes Basic Steps in the Scientific Method: 1. Define the problem 2. Research; gather information about the problem 3. Form a hypothesis 4. Design and perform an experiment to test the hypothesis 5. Observe, Record, and Analyze Data 6. Draw a Conclusion Accurately report and publish research methods, results, and conclusions to others
____________ - an “_________ _____” about the solution to a scientific problem; a testable explanation for a question or problem. Hypothesis Educated guess Basis for stating hypotheses: 1. 2. 3. 4. Experience Extensive Reading (Research) Pervious experiments Scientist reasoning powers
____________ - a procedure that tests a hypothesis by the process of collecting information under controlled conditions; a series of controlled _____________ Experiment observations Controlled Experiment _________ ___________ - experiment in which all conditions are kept the same except for the one factor which is to be experimented upon Main parts of a controlled experiment: ____________ ________(____ ______; ________; ___________ _________; ___________ ________) – the part of the experiment containing the one condition which is to be changed or tested. Independent Variable Test group Variable Experimental variable Manipulated variable __________ ________(_________; __________ _______) - the standard in which all conditions are kept the same; the standard by which the independent variable is compared. Dependent Variable Control Responding variable
Data ______ - observations taken and recorded in an experiment; “_____” Facts Types of measurements: ___________ measurements- measurements describing the dimensions of an object; measures ________; always includes a ________ and a _____ quant = “________” 2. _________ measurements- measurement describing the appearance of an object;describes ______ qual = “________” Quantitative quantity number unit Example: Height = 25 meters quantity Qualitative quality Example: thickness of oil quality
Scientific processes include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Hypothesizing Predicting Experimenting Measuring Observing and Collecting Data Organizing data Classifying Analyzing Data Inferring Modeling Communicating
_______ - the most probable explanation for a set of data based on the best available evidence; scientific statement based on _____________ that support a hypothesis. Theory Observations ________ (___________) – a general statement that describes a wide variety of phenomena; a theory that has withstood the test of time. Law Principle