Advisor – Radu Iacob General Secretariat of the Government Improving the Organizational Framework and the Activity of Regulatory Bodies Advisor – Radu Iacob General Secretariat of the Government Conference on Good Governance and Public Administrative Reform Bucharest, 6 December 2007
Improving the organizational framework and the activity of regulatory bodies - I The functional analysis – the regulatory bodies The organizational framework Institutional structure – tasks, departments, HR Area of activity – possible overlapping Questioning the opportunity of creating “independent regulators” Managing information How is information being collected How is information being managed Elaboration of regulation / Decision taking Expertise and capacity of analysis Procedures for elaborating regulations Who decides – personalized / board
Improving the organizational framework and the activity of regulatory bodies - II The functional analysis Inspections How is the undertaking of inspections decided upon How often are inspections undertaken – costs / benefits Review of legislation Administrative sanctions Are the sanctions appropriate and proportionate Do the sanctions act as a deterrent How much flexibility is there allowed for regulatory bodies in regards to establishing the level of sanctioning
Improving the organizational framework and the activity of regulatory bodies - III Principles behind the institutional reform Regulatory bodies organized on thematic areas Efficient collection and managing of information by using IT Improving the decision making process by making it more transparent and accountable Inspections undertaken on a risk-based approach Fair and proportionate sanctions acting as a deterrent
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