The Consulting Business Intensive Building the foundations to a sustainable, scalable, saleable consulting business
What to Expect Over the Next 8 Weeks
CBI: The Consulting Business Intensive Overnight success doesn’t exist! It’s not going to be easy – you’re going to have put in a lot of work over the next 2 months But it doesn’t end there. Once you’re on the Consulting Compass your only way off is to sell the business (I refuse to let you just close it!) We’re not looking for perfection, we’re looking for good enough! You don’t need you to complete every task to the best of your ability – you simply need to make a start and complete it, however rough, in the time available This course will provide you with the foundations to build upon – to continuously and consistently iterate and improve as your business grows
1 In Module 1 you’re going to identify your Ideal Client’s Problems in a way that resonates with them, and from there you’ll get clarity as to your niche. To support your marketing efforts you’ll determine an elevator pitch/strap line and create an infographic from your research. 2 In Module 2 you’re going to define the Products & Services that you’ll offer to help your ideal clients resolve their problems. You’ll create a signature service with supporting complimentary services, at least one of which will ideally provide recurring revenue. You’ll also define an initial door-opening low cost offer, a follow-up ‘Discovery’ offering that will establish you as the incumbent, and your full signature service. 3 In Module 3 you’re going to evaluate the different marketing channels available to you, and chose those you prefer. You’ll then create an initial Lead Magnet to support your chosen marketing channels. 4 In Module 4 you’re going to develop clarity at to your revenue goals, and determine how much you need to charge for your services in order to meet those goals and within the capacity that you have available in you and your team. You’ll also build your sales pipeline and create clarity as to how you move people from being a lead, to a nurtured prospect, to a client. 1 2 3 4
5 In Module 5 you’ll create your standard ‘pitch deck’ and approach to presenting your offering to your prospects. This will include considering your standard proposal approach. 6 In Module 6 you’ll start to think about the growth of your business, and how you’ll expand your capacity through People & Partners. You’ll also craft your bespoke methodology to: a) ensure consistency in delivery of your services through standard processes; b) enable delegation and/or outsourcing of tasks; and c) support your sales proposals. 7 In Module 7 you’ll bring it all together. You’ll define the performance metrics that you’ll measure across each segment of the Consulting Compass. You’ll also define how you’ll ensure your clients are happy with the work that you’re delivering since they represent 80% of your opportunity to win work. 8 In Module 8, the final module, you’ll be planning for growth through definition of your Practice Structure, and you’ll be determining the goals which underline your Purpose. These will be essential for getting you through the tough times! 8 7 6 5