“Safety Beyond Compliance”
Wellnomics Risk Management Screen Shots This presentation contains screens shots of the Wellnomics Risk Management System and is intended as a precursor to a live demonstration. The slides are not exhaustive and only represent the concept and not the full system content. Contact Balanced Ergonomics for more details. 02 94522444 or email info@balancedergonomics.com www.balancedergonomics.com
How it Works
Wellnomics RMS Wellnomics Portal App
The Modules
Work Rhythm Work Station WorkLife
Groups Individuals are grouped based on HR fields that are imported into the system, Groups may be based on field such as Cost centre Business unit Job function Reporting Line Risk profiles Basically any data field you have to categorise individuals You may also create you own group for example people under rehab to monitor.
User Login The following screen represents the administrators/managers view when they first log in. It shows their owe risk profile and assessment status.
Overall risk The next slide shows the summary risk for all the people under this manager. Could also be the risk for the whole organisation if you are in OH&S etc.
Risk Categories The next few slides break the risks down into categories.
We can choose to analyse each risk category
Snap shot of common risks You may display the common risks and recommendations that exist in the group being analysed.
Compare groups You can compare different groups.
Assessments You may schedule assessments and training for individuals. People with different risk profiles etc.
Managing assessments and follow ups. You can send out automated messages to get users to complete or follow up on their assessments.
Managers/OJ&S may analyse their individual staff Depending on the privacy levels set managers may view their staff’s detailed reports or just summary risks.
Detailed staff risk profiles By clicking on one of the suggested action the manager/OH&S staff member may view a break down of category risks and reports.
Individual risk reports From many different hyperlinks throughout the console you may view an individuals risk report by clicking on the risk report icon .
See sample risk Report
WorkPace settings Users may have their WorkPace breaks remotely set if desired. This is useful for example when a user moves into a call centre environment they may require different settings. Or is on a return to work or rehab program.
Groups You may create groups yourself by adding individuals or selecting HR fields.
Individual Login The following screen shots represent a staff members individual login ( a staff member with no direct reports) they can only see their own data. Not exhaustive just samples.
Export data You may also export data into excel or word if you like.
Questions please contact Balanced Ergonomics.