Welcome to History! Mrs. Withrow and Ms. Perriello
Units we will cover: Geography Native Americans of North America European Exploration in North America Colonial America – The 13 Original English Colonies The American Revolution- events, people, documents, causes The New Government- The Constitution of the United States Westward Expansion- Inventions, Who Went West and Why The Civil War – issues, people, battles, impact
What to bring to class Notebook with 5 dividers Classwork tab– work done in class Homework tab – see the calendar Study guides tab – provided at beginning of unit Maps and Vocabulary tab – provided throughout the unit of study Other tab – this is a reference section *Pencil *Device--optional
Assessments End of Unit tests – to measure learning Diagnostics – to measure progress over the year (3 x year) Performance Based Assessments – answer a posing question using primary source documents (2 x year) OttW – One per semester- the History portion will include conducting research on prior flooding in the United States with emphasis on geography.
What Else? National Geographic Geography Bee Veterans Day Commemoration National History Day Club Hear stories, act out Reader’s Theater, create writing responses, create battle maps, have visits from guest speakers, learn some sports team history
Where to look for information Stone Hill website, staff, Withrow, calendar http://www.lcps.org/Page/126830 Google classroom- students have access codes Student’s Notebook- classwork notes, study guides Sonja.withrow@lcps.org Teacher email Phoenix