2017-2018 Course Selection presentation Mr. grossman Mr. Pando
2017-2018 Course Selection Process Obtain course request form 2 Discuss goals, requirements, option with parents 3 Complete course request with parent signature 4 Return completed form by January 27 5 Confirm class selections in May 6 Receive class schedule in August
What to consider when choosing classes: Graduation Requirements College Admission Requirements Career Interest/Preparation Courses By Grade Level Enrollment Criteria/Prerequisites
Graduation/College admission requirements
LHS Career Pathways Agriculture Careers Pathway AFNR, Sustainable Biology, Ag Chemistry and Agrisceince , Floral Design, Intro Ag Mechanics, Ag Mechanics 2, Ag Systems Management Art Careers Pathway Art 1, Art 2, Digital Art, ROP Digital Media Health Careers Pathway Biology, Chemistry, ROP Sports Medicine
9th Grade Schedule English Math Science PE or Band Elective *Tutorial*
Must have A in English 8 or B in English 8 Honors *Must have A in English 8 with teacher recommendation or B in English Honors
Math Math 1 Math 2 Math 3 Math 1/2 Math 2/3 Pre Calc or Statistics AP Calc AB or BC You will be placed in a math course based on your 1st and 2nd semester math grade, teacher recommendation, and prior standardized testing performance.
Chemistry/ Agrisciece Science AFNR Sus. Biology* Chemistry/ Agrisciece AP Biology Physics Earth Science Tech Biology* Chemistry AP Physics 1/2 Ag Systems Management *A- or better in Science 8 and teacher recommendation.
Foreign Language/Fine Art You are required to take 1 year of a fine art. Art 1-Art 2, Drama, Guitar, Floral Design (Jr & Sr only) You are required to take 1 year of a foreign language. Spanish 1 as a Freshman or German as a sophmore
Physical education All students are required to take 2 years of P.E. If you pass 5 out of the 6 California Physical Fitness Standards, you do not need to take PE your junior and senior year.
Proposed electives Intro to Ag Mechanics Art 1 Leadership* Band Yearbook/Journalism* Percussion Spanish 1 Guitar German 1 Drama Choir *Needs application
Criteria used for class placement Grades, GPA, Test Scores, Teacher Recommendation Impacted Classes Competitive Enrollment *CLASSES WILL BE CHOSEN FOR STUDENTS WHO DO NOT TURN IN COMPLETED COURSE REQUEST FORMS*
Sample completed form
Course selection form due dates Due on January 27th, 2017 Return form to Science teacher
Please contact us If you have any questions! LHS COUNSELORS Michael Grossman mgrossman@gvusd.org 7th-9th grade Albert Pando apando@gvusd.org 10th-12th