Resilience Framework Mark Lauby, Senior Vice President and Chief Reliability Officer WIRES Winter Meeting February 15, 2018
NERC, Reliability, & Resilience DOE Staff Report to the Secretary (August 2017) recommended NERC consider adding resilience to its mission statement NERC Board sought stakeholder input (November 2017 policy input letter) Asked NERC’s Reliability Issues Steering Committee (RISC) to consider stakeholder input and NERC’s role in resilience
RISC Recommended Framework Develop common understanding and definition of the key elements of bulk power system (BPS) resilience Understand how key elements of BPS resilience fit in the existing ERO framework Evaluate whether additional steps are needed to address key elements of BPS resilience within the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) framework
Understanding and Defining Resilience National Infrastructure Advisory Council’s (NIAC’s) resilience framework includes four outcome-focused abilities: Robustness – absorb shocks and continue operating Resourcefulness – skillfully manage a crisis as it unfolds Rapid Recovery – get services back as quickly as possible Adaptability – incorporate lessons learned from past events to improve resilience
ERO Enterprise Activities Supporting NIAC Framework Robustness Risk, event, and performance monitoring Reliability and emerging risk assessments Technical committee work Operator training and certification Reliability Standards and Reliability Guidelines E-ISAC information -sharing programs Resourcefulness Situational awareness and industry coordination Government coordination Cross-sector information sharing Reliability Standards and Functional Model
ERO Enterprise Activities Supporting NIAC Framework Rapid Recovery Situational awareness and industry coordination Government coordination Cross-sector information sharing Adaptability Reliability assessments Event analysis and forensics Reliability Guidelines Technical committee work
ERO Next Steps Request NERC standing committee input to the Reliability Issues Steering Committee Provide recommendations at the May 2018 Member Representatives Committee meeting Monitor FERC proceedings