on Priority Substances Strategic Coordination Group Progress Report on Priority Substances Strategic Coordination Group Brussels, 11 March 2008 Madalina DAVID - Unit D.2 – Protection of Water and Marine Environment
Key points Review of the list of Priority Substances Quality Standards Data collection Results of the test run Quality Standards Guidance development – mixing zones Follow-up
Review of the list of Priority Substances Monitoring data collection (deadline 07/03/08) Overall situation AT IT *** BE LT BG LU CY LV CZ MT DE ** NL DK NO EE * PL EL PT ES RO FI SE FR SI HU SK IE UK File delivered * File delivered, import in the database needed ** File delivered, small clarification *** File delivered, technical discussions File promised, but not delivered No file
Summary situation: database content (28 Feb 08) surface water 20 Member States 8 801 stations 5 water body types 419 000 sampling 5 000 000 analysis 850 substances
Prioritisation First step: strategy of prioritisation based on monitoring data (INERIS) Second step: develop a strategy for medium and long term reviewing of priority substances list (JRC-TCS) exposure predictions hazard predictions
Preliminary results of the test run These are the results of a test run based on data delivered by 9 MSs only high evidence of risk to or via the aquatic environment, but may be not a widespread problem though
Quality standards EG-EQS is led by JRC-TCS and UK role and organisation of the subgroups progress reports deliverables Technical Guidance Document for EU-wide and national EQS derivation to be reviewed by scientific committee EQS for the list of priority substances for Water, Sediment and Biota
Mixing zones Background document (INERIS): how MS can delineate the administrative mixing zone in order to ensure the protection of the aquatic life and human health and how could be meet the EQS in the rest of the water body Proposal from some MS to develop new guidance on how to deal with mixing zones: UK and NL offered to develop papers describing their national approaches
Follow-up -1 Data collection and Prioritisation (short term) on going technical discussions with some data providers to solve last problems treatment of data in central database: March 2008 prioritisation ranking test: April 2008 final results of the prioritisation: 4th WG E meeting the central database : will be transferred to WISE and the EEA restriction requests from the MS
Follow-up -2 Prioritisation Strategy – for long term UK will propose a new scheme by April 2008 and run a test by June 2008 Results: discussed at the 3rd EG-EQS meeting in June 2008 EG-EQS Guidance - first draft Rapporteurs meeting 3rd EG-EQS meeting March 2008 June 2008 Sept 2008
Follow-up -3 Mixing zones: UK and NL: volunteers to offer assistance General comments have been requested in writing: 17 March 2008 Workshop on diffuse pollution, organised by The Netherlands: 28-29 May 2008 3rd meeting of EG – EQS, organised by the JRC-TCB: June 2008 Workshop on emission controls, organised by the Commission and EUREAU: September 2008 4th meeting of WG E: 15 and/or 16 October 2008
Thank you for your attention!