College Prep Course ESC-20 Curriculum Forum February 5, 2014 ESC-20 HB 5 Symposium March 3, 2014
Requirements Partner with at least one IHE to develop and provide courses in preparatory Math, and ELA. (Science and Social Studies) Must be offered on the high school campus Or Through distance learning
Requirements 12 th grade students whose performance on an EOC does not meet college readiness standard Or Coursework, college entrance exam, or TSI indicates the student is not ready for entry level college coursework
Requirements Faculty of ISD and IHE must meet regularly to ensure college ready expectation ISD must notify parents and students of the benefits of these courses. ISD must provide instructional materials Must be available school year
Benefits to Students Students will receive rigorous and thorough courses to reinforce skills Courses serve as advanced ELA and Math under the Foundation Program
Benefits to Students Successful completion of the course(s) ensures that students begin earning college credit hours and not need developmental education courses at the IHEs in the contract
The Partners The ISD The ACCD campus partnered with your ISD The UTSA
Remaining Work Finalizing the courses including recommended passing standards…Early April Finalizing the MOU including one or both IHEs…Early April Finalizing the professional development…Early May
The Courses Math A & B (two semesters) English: Transition to College Integrated Reading and Writing
Offer it to students who are not college ready, as determined by... TAC Texas Success Initiative Exemptions that Define College Readiness ACT: composite of 23 with minimum of 19 on the English test; 19 on math SAT: combined critical reading and math score 1070, with minimum of 500 on critical reading test; 500 on math TAKS exit level: 2200 math; 2200 English with 3 on the writing subsection STAAR EOC level 2 score in Algebra II and English III TSI Assessment PSAT/ACT Plan Algebra I, English II EOC: Level 2 at final phase in Other instruments TBD
Offer it to students who are not college ready, as determined by... New Subsitution Assessments ACT Math 22, Reading, 21, Combined English/Writing 18 SAT Math 500, Critical Reading 500, Writing 500 Final Recommended Level II: 4000 Current Final Recommended Level III: Reading I 2304, Reading II 2328, Writing I 2476, Writing II 2408 Current Final Recommended Level III: Algebra I 4333, Biology 4576, US History 4440 TSI
TSI Cut Scores: Phase I prior to Fall 2017 Math: 350 Reading: 351 Essay score: 5 Essay score: 4 if multiple choice is 363
Required for... Students who have not passed Algebra I, English I/II EOC Beneficial preparation for the student Note: the impact of successful completion of this course on the students EOC graduation requirements is not clear; a commissioner rule may address it; DTC keep an eye out
Be prepared Identify who will teach these courses: o strong Algebra II math teachers and strong English writing instructors who are... o skilled at scaffolding and support, and acknowledge that it o is NOT a college course Review current data on juniors who may qualify for this course to estimate sections needed Summer training and support