San Diego Water Resources
Legal distribution of the CR water (million AF/yr) Upper Basin: 7.5 Lower Basin: 8.5 Arizona: 3.8 Nevada: 0.3 Calif.:4.4 MWD: 0.55 Mexico: 1.5 TOTAL: 17.5 Ave. Annual Flow: ~13.5
PLUMBING OF THE COLORADO RIVER From: Marson (1987) “Western Water Made Simple”
CALIFORNIA & COLORADO RIVER AQUEDUCTS 444 miles long 2.7 billion gallons/day. Energy :44,423 homes 242 miles long 1 billion gallon/day energy : 14,168 homes
Imperial Valley Irrigation District (IID)
Imperial Irrigation District Agriculture uses ~98% of the region’s water supply (2% for municipal use) Largest irrigation project in the Western Hemisphere Diverts & delivers ~3.1 million acre feet of Colorado River water to Imperial Valley 9 Cities and ~500,000 acres of agricultural lands Gravity flow drainage system 10 Reservoirs
Problem: MWD has used over 1.2 million AF/year for many years (0.7 over legal allocation). Maximum capacity of the CR Aqueduct 2000: Babbitt brokered”4.4 plan”
IID-MWD-SDCWA Water Transfer Agreements All American Canal System 2.6 Million AF 1998: Water transfer of 200,000 AF per year for San Diego by 2012 Problem: Salton Sea
SDCWA (FY 2001) Total: 673,698 AF Local: 82,248 AF (12%) Surface water (62%) Groundwater & Brackish groundwater desalination (23%) Recycled (15%) Imported: 591,441 AF (88%) Colorado River (64%) State Water Project (24%) (
SDCWA (FY 2005) Total: 635,784 AF (94% of 2001) Local: 71,797 AF (11%) Surface water (63%) Groundwater & Brackish groundwater desalination (19%) Recycled (18%) Imported: 563,987 AF (89%) Colorado River (56%) State Water Project (44%) (
SDCWA current and projected use
Population increase in San Diego
Future? Imported water is tapped out Increase local resources Promote conservation Improve infrastructure RECLAIM WATER!!