HRMS Running the SS-200 Report


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Presentation transcript:

HRMS Running the SS-200 Report The purpose of this webinar is to review the steps necessary to run the SS-200 report

Learning Objectives SS-200 Report Purpose & Selection Criteria SS-200 Reporting Classifications View Position Edit Position Data Cleanup Web Reports in HRMS 800001 800006 800004 800005 000019, 000020 and 000022 Running the SS-200 Reports using Reporting Tool or AppleTree icon Error Detail Summary by Site Summary by Classification Learning objectives for the SS-200 report include the following: SS-200 Report Purpose & Selection Criteria SS-200 Reporting Classifications View Position Edit Position Data Cleanup Web Reports in HRMS 800001 800006 800004 800005 Running the SS-200 Reports using Reporting Tool or AppleTree icon Error Detail Summary by Site Summer by Classification

SS-200 Purpose The SS-200 Report is an annual report used to generate the state required Public School System Full-Time Personnel Report (SS-200). The race/gender and funding source data of full-time personnel compiled on this report is used by DPI to provide demographic information about public school employees to various private and public organizations. This report is run annually in October. DPI’s Statistical Research and Data Center notifies the LEAs each year of the report due date, usually November, but sometimes as late as Thanksgiving. The Summary by Classification Report is the information that is submitted to DPI. The Error, Detail, and Summary by Site Reports are normally run first to clean up and validate the report data. Even before these reports are run, several steps should be taken to ensure data in HRMS and Payroll is up-to-date. The purpose of the SS-200 report is to provide the state with a report based on race/gender and funding sources for full-time personnel.

SS-200 Selection Criteria Full-Time employees who have a current HRMS assignment are selected. The following Employment Statuses are considered Full-Time: 01 - Permanent Full-Time 10 - Interim with Full Benefits 13 - Suspended with Pay 14 - Retiree Return FT w/ No Benefits Under Earnings Cap 17 - Retiree Return FT Outside Earnings Cap 20 - Temporary Full-Time Positions must have a valid SS-200 Reporting Classification in HRMS Payroll budget codes are selected by matching on SSN and HRMS Position #. Budget codes must meet the following criteria to be selected for the SS-200 report: Must be a Base Budget Code (based on Object Code) Must have a Valid Fund Code (1st digit must be non-zero ) For Salaried positions, Percent Employed > 0 For Hourly positions, HRMS Assignment Hours & Position Standard Hours > 0 The SS-200 selection criteria includes full-time employees with specific employment statuses. The positions must have a valid SS-200 reporting classification. Payroll budget codes are selected by matching on SSN and HRMS position number. Budget codes must meet specific criteria.

SS-200 Selection Criteria Rules for Determining Race/Ethnicity and Funding Source If Hispanic/Latino? is set to 'Yes' on the Employee Demographics page, the employee is reported as Hispanic/Latino (any Races selected are ignored). If Hispanic/Latino? is set to 'No' on the Employee Demographics page: If one Race is selected, the employee is reported as that Race. If multiple Races are selected, the employee is reported as 'Two or More Races'. If the first digit of the Base Budget Code is: 1, Funding Source = State 3, Funding Source = Federal 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, Funding Source = Local There are rules for determining race/ethnicity and funding sources as reported on SS-200 report.

Formulas for Calculating Percent Employed and FTEs Percent Employed for each Assignment / Base Budget Code is calculated as follows: For Salaried Positions, Percent Employed = Percent Employed on Payroll Base Budget Code. For Hourly Positions, Percent Employed = HRMS Assignment Hours/Week / HRMS Position Standard Hours x 100. If Percent Employed for a specific Budget Code exceeds 100, it is reported as 100 Percent. Note: We cannot use Percent Employed on the Payroll Budget Code for Hourly employees because this field is valid in Payroll only for Salaried employees. Therefore, we must compute the Percent Employed for hourly employees at the HRMS assignment level (instead of the budget code level). FTEs (Full-Time Equivalents) in the report totals are calculated as follows: Sum of Percent Employed from each detail line for each Fund Source or Race/Ethnicity and Gender divided by 100. Because the totals represent FTEs and not head counts, they are not always listed as whole numbers. There are formulas for calculating percent employed and FTEs for the SS-200 report.

SS-200 Instructions SS-200 Reporting Classifications For the report to be accurate, the SS-200 Reporting Classification must be set properly for HRMS positions. The SS-200 Classification is viewable on the View Position form and editable on the Edit Position form. All positions should have their SS-200 classification marked; if a position does not need to be included on the report, it should be marked with a ‘Do Not Report’ SS-200 classification. Classifications can be found: The SS-200 reporting classification must be set properly for HRMS positions.

SS-200 Instructions SS-200 Reporting Classifications You can access the SS-200 reporting classification from the employee’s assignment record. You can view the position or edit the position if you need to change the SS-200 position reporting classification. Description of Reporting Classifications – Link to Position Information on HRMS Help

(Prior to Running the SS-200 Reports) SS-200 Data Cleanup (Prior to Running the SS-200 Reports) Web Report 800001 – Payroll Employees Not in HRMS displays all employees who have an active Payroll Assignment but no HRMS employee record. Web Report 800006 displays active HRMS employees (non-Substitute) who have no active Payroll Assignments. Web Report 800004 – displays active employees in HRMS that have no current or future assignments. Substitutes are excluded. Web Report 800005 displays employees who have an active Payroll assignment with a missing or invalid HRMS Position number. Run the following Web Reports to clean up your data before running the SS-200 Reports

Additional Web Reports Web Report 000019 – Displays employees with Disabled or Invalid Employment Status Codes Web Report 000020 – Displays Active Employees with Zero or Multiple Primary Assignments Web Report 000022 – Displays Inactive Employees with Current Assignments

Web Reports are accessed from the HRMS Home page under Reporting

SS-200 Clean up Reports 800001, 800006, 800004, 800005 The web reports were sorted to bring the 8 series report to the top of the form. Links are included for additional information on these reports. You can right click and open link. If you are in slide show mode you can just click the link.

(using Reporting Tool) SS-200 Error Report (using Reporting Tool) The SS-200 Error Report is used to clean up data in preparation for the SS-200 Summary by Classification Report (aka Public School System Full-Time Personnel Report) that is submitted to DPI each October. The report provides details about error conditions for employees, positions, assignments, and budget codes that need to be addressed prior to running the SS-200 Summary by Classification Report. Review and correct errors as needed The SS-200 reports are run using the Reporting Tool or the AppleTree icon

Reporting Tool Installing the Reporting Tool SS-200 reports as well as other standard reports are accessed through the Reporting Tool. You can right click and open hyperlink or just click on link if in slide show mode for information on installing the Reporting Tool. Installing the Reporting Tool

SS-200 Error Report How to Fix SS-200 Errors The SS-200 error report will give you specific error messages related to the employee. You can right click and open link or just click on link if in slide show mode for help on how to fix SS-200 errors. How to Fix SS-200 Errors

(using Reporting Tool) SS-200 Detail Report (using Reporting Tool) The SS-200 Detail Report is used to validate data for the SS-200 Summary by Classification Report (aka Public School System Full-Time Personnel Report) that is submitted to DPI each October. The report lists gender, race/ethnicity, funding source, position #, site, and percent employed for employees by Site and SS-200 Classification Code. It also includes Total FTEs (Full-Time Equivalents) for Funding Source and Race/Ethnicity and Gender for each Site and SS-200 Classification. Review and make changes as needed The SS-200 Detail report is used to validate data for the Summary by Classification report.

SS-200 Summary By Site Report (using Reporting Tool) The SS-200 Summary by Site Report is used to validate data for the SS-200 Summary by Classification Report (aka Public School System Full-Time Personnel Report) that is submitted to DPI each October. The report lists Total FTEs (Full-Time Equivalents) by Funding Source and Race/Ethnicity and Gender for each Site and SS-200 Classification. Review and make changes as needed The SS-200 Summary by Site report is also used to validate data for the Summary by Classification report.

SS-200 Summary By Classification Report (using Reporting Tool) The SS-200 Summary by Classification Report is used to prepare the Public School System Full-Time Personnel Report that is submitted to DPI each October. The report lists Total FTEs (Full-Time Equivalents) by Funding Source and Race/Ethnicity and Gender for each SS-200 Classification for the entire LEA. The Summary By Classification Report will need to be Rounded prior to submission to DPI. The SS-200 Summary by Classification Report is the report to be submitted to DPI.

Summary SS-200 Purpose and Criteria Reporting Classifications Data Cleanup – Web Reports Running SS-200 in Reporting Tool Error Report Detail Report Summary by Site Summary by Classification

QUESTIONS This concludes the SS-200 Report webinar. Please let me know if you have any questions.

HRMS Support Contact Information HRMS Help Desk: (919) 807-HELP Kit Arndt, HRMS Support, (919) 807-3216, Currently Vacant, HRMS Trainer, (919) 807-3218, ???.??? HRMS Support Contact Information