Universal Design for Learning Methods that Work
What is it? UDL is a new way to accommodate all learners by providing new teaching and assessment methods and helping students create clear goals. It is designed to help teachers accommodate the diverse student population found in our schools.
What’s wrong with the old way? Traditional methods of lecturing and test-taking make it much more difficult for our diverse learners to succeed in our classrooms. We must employ more interesting and effective ways to present our information to our students and assess what they have learned.
UDL Teaching Methods Vocabulary Comprehension Preparation & Assessment Motivation Word illustrations/ PowerPoint presentation of words Reading groups/ Clubs/circles Partners Review teams Group study sessions Group work Games-Simon Says, Charades, Role Playing Make graphic organizers: Venn diagrams, semantic maps Study guides Computer-based activities Making predictions-What do you think? Posting words/student work in classroom Write summary BDA guides QAR strategies Background knowledge Presentations instead of tests Creative Projects Oral reports Topics that are interesting to students-chosen by students
Websites with useful information on UDL http://cast.org/ http://polyglot.lss.wisc.edu/lss/lang/teach.html http://www.studyspanish.com/vocab/
Links to UDL Lesson Plans BDA PLAN-Bilingual Blues Writing activity-Biopoem