Key Vocabulary Bilateral symmetry- two mirrored sides Use key terms listed on back of chart (Vertebrate side) if needed. Bilateral symmetry- two mirrored sides Radial Symmetry-more than two mirrored sides Asymmetrical - no symmetry /can not draw a straight line to divide body
Porifera: Sponges The simplest invertebrates Asymmetrical Have pores for filter feeding and breathing Most live in oceans Most cannot move
Cnidarians They have tentacles or stinging cells Radial symmetry or asymmetrical Soft bodied They have a mouth Most live in the ocean jellyfish Sea anemone coral
Flat Worms (Platyhelminthes) Invertebrates that can regenerate lost parts. Flat body Bilateral Symmetry Have sensory spots for detecting food.
Round Worms (Nematoda) Round Body Bilateral symmetry
Segmented Worms (Annelida) They can grow back parts if they lose parts Soft bodied Segmented Body Bilateral Symmetry Have 5 hearts Segmented
Mollusks Have Soft-bodies Bilateral Symmetry octopus Have Soft-bodies Bilateral Symmetry Have a shell made from minerals A simple heart snail squid
Mollusk: Bivalve Has 2 external shells
Mollusk: Gastropod Gastro = stomach, pod = foot Has a radula (razor tongue for scaping) Most have an external shell for protection
Mollusk: Cephlopod Cephlo = head, pod = foot Feed using tentacles that grab their food Have an internal shell Have a heart
Echinoderms Radial symmetry Endoskeleton Echino = spiny, Derm = skin (not really!) Water vascular system Have suction cup feet to walk Use tubes to catch food to. No heart
Arthropods There are 4 groups
Arthopods They have exoskeletons. Bilateral symmetry Have 3 main segments (head, thorax, and abdomen) Have compound eyes Have jointed limbs (legs) Have a heart