LAMAS Working Group 17-18 June 2015 Agenda Item 2.4 Measurement of employment and unemployment
Contents Input harmonisation in EU-LFS Timing of introduction of model questionnaire Conscripts The Italian case of CIG
Input harmonisation in EU-LFS Model questionnaires not into legal basis Further discussions at DSS and DSS Board Detailed proposal for December 2015 LAMAS
Timing of introduction of model questionnaire Big bang necessary Issue for EU2020 indicators Tests for dual collection forthcoming (Romania) Decision for June 2016 LAMAS
Treatment of conscripts in EU-LFS - 1 Small group, but special Clearly defined as employed by ICLS resolutions (old and new) New resolution limits it to paid conscripts All conscripts in the EU are paid (something)
Treatment of conscripts in EU-LFS - 2 Eight countries show conscripts in results Either through WSTATOR or MAINSTAT Important distinction! 5 countries almost equal 2 countries MAINSTAT only 1 country WSTATOR only
Treatment of conscripts in EU-LFS - 3 Eurostat excludes all WSTATOR-conscripts from population EL, CY, AT use same approach DK, NO count them as employed, FI, EE as inactive CH counts them depending on other responses
Treatment of conscripts in EU-LFS - 4 Effects of including them in employment: Strong effects in CY Sizable in two countries (EE, FI) Small in four countries (DK, AT, NO, CH) Unknown in EL
Treatment of conscripts in EU-LFS - 5 Future LFS will keep only category in MAINSTAT Include in target population for labour market indicators?
LAMAS is asked to give views on the treatment of conscripts. Member States that feel left out in the analysis should raise their hand! Member States which currently do not cover or have under-coverage of conscripts are invited to give views on the feasibility of changing the current situation.
The Italian case of CIG - 1 Typically translated as lay-offs LAMAS endorsed in December meeting the operational definition, according to which lay-offs are employed only if they are absent for less than three months Specific national system, as such not included in operational definition Currently partly defined as employed via SIGNISAL
The Italian case of CIG - 2 SIGNISAL disappears Only included if absent for <3 months In 2013 figures: from 83% of CIG counted as employed now only 28% counted as employed IT counts them as employed in e.g. NA
The Italian case of CIG - 3 TF HMEU valued a rule based on duration over a rule on a specific payment in one country The TF opinion is clear, CIG are only employed for first three months LAMAS is asked to give its views