Teaching French Literature Without a Book Nathan LeRoy Love Western Kentucky University KFLC 2013
Teaching French Literature Without a Book Readings online: ● Much already available ● Select no more than what is needed ● Cost to students ● For my Introduction to French Literature same works available that I once had in a traditional print format ● The course’s online syllabus connects to any number of course components ● Disadvantages? No critical apparatus, glossary, notes
Teaching French Literature Without a Book PowerPoint on French versification ● one such link:
Teaching French Literature Without a Book Interactive exercises
Teaching French Literature Without a Book Listening discerningly to readings online
Teaching French Literature Without a Book Student recordings of passages they read aloud
Teaching French Literature Without a Book Enriching literary appreciation with video (YouTube, Ina.fr, Dailymotion).
Teaching French Literature Without a Book Course Project.
Teaching French Literature Without a Book Conclusion The use of readings online means confronting students with texts w/o aids (glossary, notes, introductions to author, work, historical background, in short any ancillary or critical apparatus). However, linking such aids as are deemed truly useful to the same site in which the readings are found outweighs that lack. Links to voice and image may even enhance the reading experience.