Yellow Class Spring Term Rainforests Outcomes Literacy Texts Rainforest painting in the style of Henri Rousseau Self-portrait in the style of Frida Kahlo Diorama of a rainforest scene Class assembly based on a rainforest story HISTORY Skills: Write a biography of Chico Mendes *Not a main focus this term GEOGRAPHY Knowledge: Know the geographical features of a rainforest Name continents where rainforests are found Skills: Locate rainforests on a map, using grid references Locate the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn on a map Use the index of an atlas Literacy Texts The Great Kapok Tree The Vanishing Rainforest ART Knowledge: Recognise work by the artists Frida Kahlo and Henri Rousseau Skills: Make initial sketches as preparation for painting Select, and use appropriately, a variety of materials and techniques in order to create their own work Make close observations of objects in the natural world Science Units Identify that animals need the right types and amount of nutrition Know that animals get nutrition from what they eat and cannot make their own food Identify human and animal skeletons and explain their functions This term our topic is: Rainforests DESIGN TECHNOLOGY Knowledge: Know what a diorama is Understand how to strengthen or reinforce a structure Skills: Use tools and equipment to perform practical tasks such as cutting and shaping Generate, develop and communicate ideas through discussion and annotated sketches SMSC RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Knowledge: Know how the meaning of a parable can be applied to the lives of different Christians Understand what a believer might learn from Jesus’ sayings Skills: Link different viewpoints together to explain a religious idea Describe what a believer might learn from a Buddhist story Consider what it means for everyone to be equal Know the effects that deforestation has on life in the rainforests Recognise when we have made mistakes, make amends and set personal goals PSHE Knowledge: Know how to develop and maintain a variety of healthy relationships Skills: Manage emotions within a range of relationships Identify risky or negative relationships including all forms of bullying and abuse Outdoor Learning Making observations of, and sketching, objects in nature COMPUTING Knowledge: Understand how to use search technologies Skills: Collect and present information in video form Design and create content using iMovie PE Knowledge: Know that there are different types of balance, stretch and jump Skills: Perform recognisable movements Link movements to form a short routine MUSIC Knowledge: Understand how different drumming techniques produce different notes Skills: Perform a song to an audience. Trips and Visits Pizza Express London Zoo Pre-history visit from the Museum of London