Developing Lesson Plans for the 90 Minute Block
Anchoring: Prior to Instruction Communicating Objectives of the Lesson Sharing the Itinerary of the Day/Period Activating Students’ Current Knowledge
Maximizing Student Concentration: During Instruction Using a Variety of Explanatory Devices: Auditory: Modeling Thinking Aloud Visual: Using Charts, Graphic Organizers Kinesthetic: Manipulatives
Maximizing Student Concentration: During Instruction Providing Processing Time: Chunking Input and Student Processing time: ~Allow 10 seconds wait time before calling on students ~Include Movement Time
Maximizing Student Concentration: During Instruction Checking for Understanding: ~Frequently, During Instruction, with all students (“dipsticking”) ~ Recall, Comprehension and Higher Level Questioning
Maximizing Student Retention: Following Instruction Summarizing by the Instructor Key Ideas Concepts Using Visuals to Accompany Words Structuring Student Summarization Assigning Meaningful Practice or Application Tasks
MODEL A FOR 90 Minute Class Time Activity 10 min. Greeting, Announcement of Objectives 25 min. Teacher-directed, whole class instruction, mini-lesson 30 min. Student-centered/teacher assisted activity 15 min. Whole Group Discussion on Student-Centered Work Could include student presentation 10 min. Formative Assessment, Homework Assignment, Closure of Day’s Work
MODEL B FOR 90 Minute Class Time Activity 10 min. Review, Focus on Objectives/ Warm-up 15 min. Lecture/ Facts review 25 min. Small Group Work 25 min. Small Group Presentation 15 min. Formative Assessment, Homework Assignment, Closure of Day’s Work
Three Part Lesson FOR 90 Minute Class Time Activity 30 min. PART 1: Teacher Directed Lesson ~Objectives Stated ~Lesson presented through lecture ~Student skill practice ~Discussion of student practice 15 min. PART 2: Vocabulary Study ~Whole group discussion on new words includes student discussion 45 min. PART 3: Students Grouped for Topic Discussion ~Students complete study guide independently ~Students in groups discuss specific application questions and prepare to present to group ~Small Groups present to whole class ~Closure and Homework Assignment
Model Lesson for 90 Minute Lab Class Time Activity 10 min. Announcement of Objectives, Warm-Up ~Introduction: Why? 70 min. Work on Lab Activity ~Data Collection ~Data Analysis ~Conclusion 10 min. Extension/Closure ~Sharing Results ~Pulling Lesson Together ~Extension