Back to School Night Welcome to Third Grade September 12, 2018
Discipline – Teach good behavior through positive guidance Class rules: be fair, kind and safe Snacks – Bring your own healthy snack Communication – Newsletters Conferences E-mail Handwritten Notes
Grades Third grade is the first year students receive letter grades. Grades are based on tests, quizzes, classwork, and projects. Scale: A 100%-90% (consistently exceeds expectations) B 89%-80% (occasionally exceeds expectations ) C 79%-70% (meets grade level expectations) D 69%-60% (does not meet grade-level expectations, but passing) E 59%-below (not passing)
Homework Extensions of classwork and recursive practice of skills Parental help is encouraged Language arts homework is assigned weekly. 20 minutes reading per night. Math homework is assigned online through Reflex Math and MobyMax programs.
Homework . MOBY MAX HOMEWORK MOBY MAX HOMEWORK WHAT IS THE PARENT PORTAL, AND HOW DO I ACCESS IT? The parent portal allows parents to see reports on student progress in Moby Max. Parents can sign in by taking the following steps: Go to Select “As a Parent” from the top menu Enter school code: VA 65 Enter the student’s username Enter the student’s password. .
Language Arts Writing - Corrections limited to maintain self esteem Goal: Independent writers who enjoy writing Lucy Caulkin’s writer’s workshop Cursive handwriting Wordstudy - Phonemic patterns and themes Reading - Integrated into writing, science, and social studies Fiction and nonfiction
Math Enduring understandings– problem solving and computational skills Recursive practice is necessary for skill development Flexible math grouping based on present level of need
Social Studies Cooperative projects Citizenship Map skills Economics Ancient Civilizations
Science Hands-on lessons in Investigation Station, Science City, and Outdoor Lab Topics: Rocks, living things, solar system, matter, and simple machines Health lessons are taught by the Physical Education Department
Hola! FLES Spanish taught twice a week Non-letter grade (proficiency indicated on report card)
Volunteer Opportunities Room parent Field trips Gardening (Habitat Day) Art in the Classroom
Activity Fee $25.00 Scholastic Super Science magazine Storyworks Jr. magazine
B Birthday Policy Please refrain from sending in birthday treats such as candy, cupcakes, cookies, balloons, etc. Nonedible trinkets may be brought in for distribution to all classmates. See “Parent Handbook” if you have questions.