Primary Longman Elect 4A Chapter 3 How much …?
Asking about the price We use How much …? to ask about the price of things. seventy cents How much is a bottle of water? It’s six dollars seventy. $6.70
Key structure How much is a bottle of water? It’s five dollars fifty.($5.50) = fifty cents
Practice Finish what the people say. How much is a packet of potato chips? It’s nine dollars thirty. $9.30 potato chips
Practice Finish what the people say. How much is a tin of nuts? It’s twenty-six dollars eighty. $26.80 nuts
Practice Finish what the people say. How much is a bar of chocolate? It’s ten dollars forty. $10.40 chocolate
Practice Finish what the people say. How much is a bottle of juice? It’s eleven dollars ninety. $11.90 juice
Practice Finish what the people say. How much is a loaf of bread? It’s twelve dollars seventy. $12.70 bread
The End