Wellbeing Challenge Days
Youth Focus: North East Youth Focus North East is a charity which works across the region to improve the lives of young people. We work to connect young people with the organisations and professionals who support them. We pride ourselves on our practice of Co-Creating programmes with young people to overcome challenges and meet their needs and interests. Passionate about young people having a voice and being heard. Three main areas – Delivery, Strategic and Development.
Wellbeing Challenge Days ‘Intergenerational’ Approach. Help to promote awareness of mental health with young people and local communities, using the ‘5-a-day for Wellbeing’ self-help tool.
Wellbeing Challenge Days Offer local people the opportunity to plan and develop an initiative, event, activity or campaign Raise awareness of mental health and promote wellbeing. Through these Challenge Days, we worked directly with military veterans within seven local communities in the North East.
Wellbeing Challenge Days Process: Simple 3-step process which is completed at a time to suit the different groups, ranging from one week to six weeks in total. Step 1: The groups meet for the first time and take part in a variety of teamwork and communication activities designed to make them an effective team. Step 2: The groups then work together to plan a project based around one, or all, aspects of the 5-a-day for Wellbeing tool. They pitch their idea at a community panel to gain funds for their project and have to show a clear rationale and budget for the delivery of the project. Step 3: The project is delivered within the community to engage with as many people as possible to promote awareness of mental health.
Wellbeing Challenge Days In Numbers: Overall Project Steering Group 7 Young People (Aged 13 – 18) Individual Project Steering Groups (x 7) 126 (81 YP & 45 Adults) Overall participants in events (x 7) 1,795
Wellbeing Challenge Days Locations: • Newcastle • Gateshead • Northumberland • South Tyneside • Teesside Partners: • North East Mental Health Development Unit • Forward Assist • Thrive • Thirteen Care and Support • Bluewatch Youth Centre • Royal British Legion • Felling Youth Group • Stockton Youth Services • Bluewatch Youth Centre • NHS South Tyneside Nurse Cadets • Stockton TA Cadets
Wellbeing Challenge Days Roles: Young people learned about the key themes to maintain and improve mental health. Took on the responsibility to promote this message to a wider audience. Took a lead role in planning the events and gained a range of skills and new experiences. Through Wellbeing Challenge Days they: • improved communication and planning skills; • took responsibility for managing the budgets; • formed new friendships; • learned how to share and promote positive messages; • gained new knowledge and empathy for others; and • obtained leadership skills.
Wellbeing Challenge Days Outcomes C Improved mental wellbeing Projected Actuals C1 Improved mental wellbeing for individuals 80 251 C2 Increased awareness and improved attitudes towards mental wellbeing for individuals 580 1,504 A3 Increased awareness and improved attitudes towards mental wellbeing for families and carers 450 1,795 C4 Increased confidence and competence in employers to support mental wellbeing promote good mental health and address the stigma of mental illness. 7 2 C5 Increased capacity, skills and confidence in local communities to promote mental well-being C6 Prevention of exclusion of people with mental health problems from the wider community
6 Step up to Serve Principles of Youth Social Action. Wellbeing Challenge Days 6 Step up to Serve Principles of Youth Social Action. Challenging Challenge and overcome generational barriers. Youth Led Lead role in planning the projects and responsibility for managing budgets. Socially Impactful Participants and communities benefit from new friendships, new knowledge and empathy for others; ultimately raised awareness of positive mental health. Embedded 126 volunteers = 1,512 hours. Many have remained in contact and are continuing to volunteer within their communities. Progressive Each of the groups is tasked with proposing and delivering a project that will impact and have a legacy on the local community. Reflective Participants complete an impact measurement tool to identify personal development achieved around six key themes: • Confidence,• Communication,• Decision-making, • Planning,• Knowledge, • Teamwork
Wellbeing Challenge Days Outcomes “Our collaboration with Youth Focus: North East has enabled us to deliver meaningful outdoor activities to disengaged young people, whilst utilising our veterans’ leadership and transferrable skills to improve the mental health and physical wellbeing of all involved.” Tony Wright, Chief Executive, Forward Assist. “The Wellbeing Challenge Days are fun, exciting and engaging. I’ve enjoyed taking part because it’s got me more involved in the community and has also got me out of the house.” Kurt Atkins, WCD steering group, aged 14.
Wellbeing Challenge Days Barriers/Challenges A lack of trust. Poor info about how to get involved and benefits. Insufficient time. Access. Lack of confidence. Insufficient resources. Negative attitudes and stereotyping. Priorities. Turnover of staff and volunteers.
Wellbeing Challenge Days Barriers are challenged Everyone is honest and open about process Provide a range of opportunities Training & Support Young people’s involvement makes a difference The value of young people's work is recognised Partnership & Shared Value Incentives and Rewards
Wellbeing Challenge Days
Wellbeing Challenge Days Final Thought We believe that the term ‘Hard to Reach’ is a contradiction and creates a barrier in itself when it comes to engagement. It is more likely young people find it ‘Hard to be Heard’ as they, OR ADULTS, either lack the skills, knowledge and confidence to engage.